Chachi Wawa Shorti

Delaware County, Gloucester County, the Far Northeast would all be contenders.

I was going to make a funny Argentina joke, but I don’t know anything about Argentina except that they have empanadas, and I ate some last night for dinner.

Redskins beat Cowboys; An alternate history of the United States. (Mass Market Paperback - October 22, 2018)

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this thread really happening? People get fucking mowed down by guns almost daily, and these motherfuckers come in here and bitch about memes? These motherfuckers get on you about “trivializing tragedy,” without stopping to think for a second that maybe you wouldn’t be posting this meme

I think about this quote so often.

Are you suggesting that jewish, latino, and asian people are not racist? The “people of color” label might be good as a catch all for politics, but I assure you they don’t unify in real life.

I’m from South Jersey, where Cherry Hill is, and I guarantee that is the problem. That is a very racist, spiteful area.

Either he is now an honorary American, or he has been anointed president. I don’t remember the protocol here.

If it matters, every quote from Delta has always ended with “...Delta still supports the 2nd amendment”. Take that for what it’s worth.

Then the play was reviewed. When slowed down and zoomed in to degrees impossible to see with the human eye in real time, it looked like Clement didn’t quite have the ball completely in his control while he tapped his toes in bounds.

Clean hit, and certainly not an elbow. Didn’t launch himself. Hit him shoulder to shoulder. Was already going for the hit while Orpik still had the puck and contact made a split second after the shot. Looked worse than it was because of the careening into the boards, but guys shouldn’t have to fight in response to

Because, wait for it, there are multiple countries in the world and they don’t all have the same requirements.

I will go into a Lewis Black diatribe for you:

The entire passport system is so stupid and antiquated I can’t believe it exists in 2017. In our area there’s literally three places to get a passport (there was a forth that closed last year). All of the offices are basically in post offices and staffed only part time (or on call) by postal workers who seem to hate

What time does your shift at Show and Tel end?


President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.