Chachi Wawa Shorti


Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

Classic salsa is great but it's only one type of salsa. A vote for guacamole is a vote for countless, delicious variations, and freedom.

Len Bias. That guy was a stiff.

No, I was.

The video may be vertical, but at least the fan was 16:9

This is just unacceptable. A vertical cell phone video? In 2014? Seriously? Turn your phone sideways when you record, people. We're not animals.

Apologies for that last post as a couple point out. Frankly, never heard about that context. Point was that he is an idiot.

Mike Harrington called him a "Tard," but then said he'd never heard of calling anyone a "Tard" before. What a fag.

He deserved to get spit on for filming in portrait mode.

Thanks. I'm a logic kinda guy.

Thank you for providing some insight and some reasoned speculation instead of just herp-derping "too fast!!!1!!" and "exceeded speed limits!!!"

Just taken this right hand turn. Car came to a rest at the green arrow.

The crash occurred about 5 miles from my house. Here's a map:

It's a good theory, but I don't think it makes complete sense. Priefer wouldn't cut you because he'd be afraid that he'd catch AIDS.