The Gut of Pablo

The Aristocrats!

I earn my brown stripes through poor diet and too much booze.

It actually doesn’t impact that at all when you realize that the Browns spend most of the game with their heads shoved up their own asses.

What do the Cavs and your comment have in common?

Perkins was trying to move out of the way as fast as he could.

LeBron’s head is looking like a picture from a World Wildlife Fun pamphlet illustrating the devastating effects of deforestation.

Even Dennis Reynolds thinks this guy is a fucking creep.

I mean...kinda.

Not surprising. That 200 million is, like, 8 billion in Oklahoma Dollars.

The only thing that could make this more Russell Westbrook level petty would be if he signed this on Durant’s birthday.

Trump: Fake sports!

I’m guessing that guy is used to viewing cheerleaders on his monitor and then rubbing one out.

On a positive note, I bet that guy uses all parts of the cheerleader.

That’s not what Andy Reid meant when he said he “wanted a t-bone.”

“We also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about how the cheerleader may have provoked the cameraman” - Stephen A Smith

That’s exactly what someone impersonating his twin brother on an NBA playoff team would say.

PG’s final 3 attempt...

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

Now playing

Hey, Wade was just stretching as well that one time...

Just like on the court, the basketball barely stands out for the T-wolves