
Here, I just did the research:

Every time one of them breaks into uncontrollable laughter, I follow suit. Just the best show ever. May it RIP.

I’ve already done a couple “told you so”s to some Negative Nancys from a few years ago.

ALS took my Dad. Fuck that disease, any dent in its progress is a cause worth celebrating.

And by and large the ones who aren’t doing the raping generally aren’t any happier about it than we are.

YUSSSS. “What I do is not up to you” is the tagline I have been waiting my whole life for.

She’s also so Canadian:

I used to play golf a lot with this lady:


Oh I totally hear you. I had this brutal trip into the “city” to go to school for a program I was in. I still recall in 8th grade some little shit came up to me with his buddies, and advised me, while looking at my chest and raising his hands, that he was going to “call Tokyo.” Apparently in this city school they