
It’s crazy. I still can’t believe that we all lost our critical reasoning skills up here apparently. This is going to be one hell of a term, or however long it lasts...

In memory of the victims of the attack in Québec City

I have said it before, and I will say it again - SoftCups have changed the game. Only little problem being that you can’t get them in Canada anymore. At all. Tears...

This picture. I finally hit the breaking point. I will commit to support US based causes during this period of insane chaos, from the comfort of another country. I realize my privilege, living as a woman in a country that is closer to equality than the US. Fight on. The rest of the world will be backing you how we

That is pretty much what this all about, isn’t it. Y’all have no issue dealing with Saudi Fucking Arabia, do you. Or China. And the list goes on. The embargo was never really about human rights - it was about the assets. But the impact of the embargo has been felt by the average citizen in Cuba since it started.

Good luck out there, America. Keep your stick on the ice.

So I started using Softcups this year, and it so totally changed my period-time for the better. I can’t recommend them enough. Everything from my workday, to yoga, to sleeping was improved with these. They totally changed the period game, in my view.

We did a full on, backyard Canadian blow out. Super nice night in Ontario. So sad, and yet heartwarmingly Canadian all at the same time - I think that Gord got to see how much he has impacted so many.

I have looked for the historic root of this very strange situation, and I have never found the reasoning. As a veteran ball player, I want to note that softball is way fucking harder on your body than baseball, and way less entertaining to play. You don’t get the distance off a softball that you get out of a hardball

WOW - I am sure it was just awesome to do so. Thanks for sharing the link. I never would have read the page had you not linked to it, and I am the better for it.