
Please explain to this old Libertarian why young American blood should be spilled for this cause.


I imagine there are some people who would pay for that experience.

He’s definitely an enthusiast of his own car, and possibly of his own farts.

Is is creepy for women to ask to have their breasts signed? If so, go write about it.

Elizabeth, thank for this article. There will be plenty of creepy dudes whining about it, however, you're doing God's work. Keep it up.

Is that the Ford of Damocles?

keep your dick in a vice

As a chronically underfunded adjunct lecturer/occasional freelance writer with a depressing parking situation and intentions to start a family living in the land of the twenty-five-year rule, we could spend all day on this.

Because they’re forward looking designs.

Have spent many hours doing exactly that. I’m not going to say some of the speeds I saw on some of these roads in an old E28 535i but some of them start with a 1

Just watch out for the occasional Amish buggy.

Anyone else here from Wisconsin hate the nuisance?

You should get a Ford Ka. Then park it beside the Pao. You see where this is going, right?

Dang money toilets.

Yeah my inner 1SG was screaming “CHOCK BLOCKS & DRIP PANS.”

Because of this right here from the news article:

Hypothetical of something I would never actually do: Say I were to do something as insane as taking out a loan for the full price of a $20,000 car, plus taxes and fees, plus roll over $5,000 in equity from my upside-down “trade in” plus purchase no GAP insurance for the new vehicle portion of the loan. (GAP won’t

Better than what? The way insurance normally works? She’s being reimbursed for the value of the car. What she owes on her loan is not the value of the car. If what she owes is less than the value of the car (not the case here,) she pockets the balance. If what she owes is more than the value of the car (the case

Oklahoma. All of it. I’m always there three hours longer than I feel like I should be. I know you already mentioned it briefly, but I need to say it again. The only redeeming factor about Oklahoma is Braum’s.