
ah yes, truly the gift of life given by a horny gyno whippin his cum into other batches

You mean they never noticed this ‘bug’ was hogging up storage space from all these unwanted videos?

Oh dear. Let’s break this down.

Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.

Interesting to see how they would enforce such a ruling outside of the EU.

Because it was only when she referenced that other men were asking the same question that she was that he actually gave a meaningful answer.

“How about addressing that of the last 27 mass shootings by males, 26 of those shooters were not raised by the biological fathers.”

The Pauls (Ron and Rand) have always had some pretty extreme ideas, particularly when it comes to the economy. But they have also shown pretty strong consistency in doing exactly what they say they want to do and what they believe. I can respect that.

In general I agree with you, but this crap passed 94-1 with five non-votes. The only nay vote is Rand freakin’ Paul. So this one is on everybody.

Once again the wandering morals of the GOP are in play.

Hypocritical old men and judgmental shrews have been trying to stimy human friction since Mesopotamia, this is merely another temporary roadblock to the sticky satisfaction of carnal knowledge one teaspoon of pointless, wasted seed at a time- holy shit, copulation is disgusting, never mind

It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’

> Splatoon was planned as a service game,

“I might be naive but I’m going into this assuming that the large majority of people involved in the games industry are good actors. They want game developers to be successful, they want to make amazing games.”



Thank you so much for this wonderful review. I had no interest in playing Metal Gear Survive, and honestly still don’t. But this review is one of the few times I’ve thought a game journalist scratched the surface of examining games in the same way other “art” is analyzed.

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

british prisons are not a picnic but seeing as somehow we don’t allow a rape and gang culture to thrive in our jails we can say for certain where I’d prefer to be.