
Every now and then I reminisce about “press sneak fucks”. 

Unregardless, it was a weird fucking scene. Someone in the theater did a perfectly timed “What?” right before Strange struck the final blow/note.

I just hope Sony sees a sharp spike of people playing Tokyo Jungle and greenlights Tokyo Jungle 2.

This is the best laugh I’ll have today; thanks.

At least it’s thematically consistent - Rabbids would 100% be on board with NFTs.


I’m excited to play Gorogoa so I can finally watch that Jacob Geller video.

Given Google’s track record, I predict he gets a huge contact, which he’ll keep/cash out when Youtube Gaming shuts down in 3 months. Same as with Microsoft’s thing (the name of which I already forgot).

Everyone’s arguing about the economics; I just wonder if she’ll stock all flavors of the Arizona Rickeys. All I can find is Cherry Limes. Which, to be fair, is the best, but I want easier access to the rest.

I love these sorts of responses. I backed a mask that was supposed to ship in March, and not only are the comments filled with pissed people asking for refunds (as well as others calling them idiots), but the creators posted an updated that amounted to, “What have you ever done?”

Reminds me of a David Mitchell rant, about how the rich get to decide how much tax they would like to pay.

File management on PS systems has been annoying since PS3. Requiring double the space necessary for downloading, installing, then deleting is crazy.

A bit of a reach. 

Sad to see him go, love to watch him leave.

This is so much better than I anticipated.

They were pretty shit. The aiming was whatever, but the weapon spread was weird. I’m much more enthusiastic about this release with this news.

Assuming it was legit, I think the guy who got the best outcome was the guy who was a mechanic (professionally or as a hobby), and so they just got him a 4Runner with satellite TV, and didn’t touch the car so that he could continue working on it.

The good part about Control is that in 5 minutes you’ll know if you like it or not.

I replayed it a few months ago. It’s not a hard game (forgiving aiming, slow-mo dodging) but I didn’t come back for the difficulty, I came back for the atmosphere and damn if it didn’t hold up. I hope the sales figures justify an Alan Wake 2, and further integration into the Remedy/Control universe.

Mulaney is the only celebrity I care about; when I found out he was going to rehab, I was sad but happy for him for getting help. When I found out he was breaking up with his wife (straight out of rehab) I was incredibly concerned he either found religion again or decided to ‘change his life’.