I could praise the sun for hours.
I could praise the sun for hours.
EDIT: I fucked up. Your comment is accurate.
If a hundred people misunderstood you, you wrote it wrong.
Ah yes, the personal responsibility mantra: if it doesn’t affect you, it shouldn’t matter to anyone else, either.
According to EA, single-player games are dead, too.
What percentage of the book’s proceeds is he donating to... premarital sex charities, I guess?
Now add Swatch Internet Time support.
A MAGA wedding at his NJ golf course? Sounds like they were hoping he’d show up, and they weren’t wrong.
I am annoyed how much airtime he gets. Who the fuck is he anymore?
Wait, check out my tape measure belt holster!
So, they’re basically LARPers, but with lethal force?
I remembered that there was some controversy with HitRecord/UBI (according to the article, it was BG&E2). However, this seems different because they’re getting paid for it. You can argue about the rate/pay, but unless I’m missing something, this is an exchange of goods and/or services for currency - not sure what the…
Please, for the love of God, someone tell him how ellipses work.
I don’t care about Warhammer lore, but I’d love to see them take on 40K. Don’t think the attack formations would work, but whatever it takes to see rows upon rows of space marines.
Would make for good Fire Emblem DLC/reskin.
Oh good, I thought I missed it.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a transcendent experience with video games; I think the phrase, “This changed my life”, or “This will change your life” when making a video-game/book/movie suggestion to a friend, is overused and rarely accurate.