
My theory is the Russians/Trump have some nasty nasty dirt on Ryan, so he’s playing nice to keep it from getting out. I would like to believe that Bob Mueller will eventually stumble upon said nasty nasty dirt, and we will all soon know why Paul Ryan removed his own spine and gave it to 45*

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered?

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered? Asking for some friends (millions of them).

That was a free speech ruling though. It was that Nazi’s had the right to march and couldn’t be stopped by the government, because Nazi regalia wasn’t in itself ‘fighting words’. Free speech isn’t the issue when it comes to a private citizen punching someone in the face, especially if the Nazi is actively Nazi’ing and

I’m not sure I totally agree there. Usually that argument reduces to racism, and civilian casualties. If you said “punch everyone who advocates terrorism and genocide” then I’d agree with that. Nazism is explicitly about genocide. We still can’t have a one dimensional approach though. Defeating an ideology is damned

It’s not either or, though! We do have to educate and fight these people being radicalized. We ALSO should be conducting raids on their homes and places of business and freezing their assets and sending them to Gitmo because they are fucking terrorists.

This is very good work on Bee’s part. Fighting radical extremists and terrorists is only partly about killing them. You also have to educate, destroy their sources of revenue, silence their message, and remove the pool of recruits before they have a chance to radicalize them. You also have to vigorously defend your

Don’t punch a Nazi. PUNCH ALL OF THE NAZIS.

I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “moral imperative”. Any person with a soul should feel a moral imperative to stand up and fight against literal genocide. Legally well its a grey area.

Remember back during WWII, when FDR sent two million American soldiers to Europe and Africa to gently reason with the Nazis and open up a dialogue and they immediately put down their guns and V2 rockets and apologized for their rape of Europe and even created the state of Israel to try and make up for their

Punching one Nazi doesn’t help. Punching a whole bunch of Nazis literally solved a world of problems.

I agree that it is morally okay to punch a Nazi. To me that is obvious. The question is does it help actually fight white supremacy? I think that’s the real question.

Counter argument: It’s okay to punch Nazis.

I don’t even think you need the word female. Does Angie have any friends? IDK.

She’s a woman holding a book she must be dealt with appropriately.

Imagine being so fragile that you think the STATUE OF LIBERTY is somehow a liberal conspiracy.

John Carney considers a picture of a white female dressed in couture with the Statue of Liberty in the background an attack/disquisition about immigration?

You’ll notice the red (dress), white (skin), and blue (background) that signifies the French flag. France the country that gave us the baguette. Baguettes that get stale after a few hours. Hours, not theirs. They’re trying to steal our country.

I don’t want to [bombard] Anna, but I do want them to know…anything they need from me, I’m there for them. I just love [them] both.”