
I had a crush on him during “The Fly” era, but that lip-licking thing and excessive gesticulating he does in all of his roles is tiresome. I used to think he did that to develop a specific personality for Brundlefly, but no.

Now playing

Butler’s agent is already booking him on Meet Your Second Wife.

Right? I’m over here like, do we think he’s attractive? Is it 2004? What’s happening?

Gerard Butler feels like it’ll be time to settle down once he’s precisely 52'. Oh Gerard, sweetie, you’re only fooling maybe 10 people these days with that ‘eligible bachelor’ shit.  

Same, she is life. I will fight anyone who says otherwise. She is a treasure.

She’s also young enough to be his daughter. I love Jeff Goldblum but ...gross.

and she’s really pretty.

I can’t get enough of cardi b, she is deliciously trashy and her instas are hilarious.

Well that is good news for future Mrs. Butler, who is likely still gestating in a womb somewhere

And the homeless person thing for his wedding. I will never forget that.

Don’t forget:

He also talks about Britney almost every single time he is releasing new music.

I like this! The end of a relationship is not always a failure, and it’s sad that in 2017 people still judge it that way. If they had a good 22 years together and are able to split in some sort of amicable or at least civil way, then that is more than most people manage to accomplish.

Congratulations* on their long relationship!

Lainey has long danced around the issue of their open marriage, so I doubt him seeing someone else is why they are divorcing.


Part of it is also that she’s well...right?

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

Plus it’s bullshit. My nana was born in 1906, she worked from the time she was a teenager until she was in her 70s, so did her younger sister. Both married, both had kids. Plenty of other women like them from that era.

It’s straight out of Benevolent Sexismville. He could go on tour with Mike Pence.