
How does she still have clients? Why would anyone want to work with her when you know that she will talk shit about you the moment you leave.

I was thinking earlier that people had said cocaine as a joke but that guy’s speaking fluent coke.

Ugh. I will never get the image of Stev Bannon attempting to suck his own cock out of my head. Probably happened here.

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”

According to the full story, they had only been aboard for 6 hours before he killed her. That makes me think he had every intention of killing her and dumping her body in the ocean. Why he would do it in front of their children or anyone else I can’t fathom, but it seems a little too convenient that mere hours after

Jimmy Fallon, who ruffled Trump’s hair like an adoring child, now trying to be all “that Trump you guys, like wow how evil.”

My best friend was murdered 10 years ago this year. I decided to look up her family, maybe get back in touch with them, or at least send a card. They are all dead. Her grandma and her mom had cancer, her brother killed himself and I think her dad just got old. It is the weirdest, most surreal feeling. It feels like

If it is unfinished it isn’t legally counted as living space, but...for the sake of a conversation like this, your house is literally twice as big as mine. (Mine is 1400 square feet with no basement.) If you store stuff and do laundry and send the kids down there to make a ruckus, you are actively living in 2800

Exactly. Anything that stops the crusade of McMansions across suburbia, I’m in favor of. We all don’t need tiny homes, but maybe, like, regular homes? I grew up in a 3bed/1bath ranch. Where have all the ranch homes gone??

I’m sorry that I came off as obnoxious but I will actually tell you how they impact me. First, I am a real estate agent, so I spend a lot of time learning about and thinking about homes, how they are used, what people like vs what they think they like, what they mean to people and the environmental impact of different

We have 1200 and I can’t imagine bigger. It’s a perfect size, split floor plan so mini Trollop can rock out to Black Veil Brides (UGH) and I never have to hear a sound. Kitchen is smallish, but open to everything so it doesn’t really feel small. While I definitely couldn’t do 200 sq ft, I’m puzzled by the people on

We need walls! That’s how you know where to put your furniture! And if you take down all of the walls, where do you put your coat closet? No one ever thinks of the coats.

Open concept fucking sucks. And it’s inescapable now.

oh you mean a studio apartment? These tiny home owners typically have a LOT of smugness about how all they want is to be environmentally friendly, but it’s pretty well demonstrated that the most environmentally friendly thing you can do is live in a densely populated city, in an already existing apartment.

I mean, there is a middle ground between a 4000 sq foot McMansion and a 200 sq foot tiny home.

Only those willing to commit murder? Or with a death wish?

During the election, now “Independent” Joe Scarborough lectured the media, the elites, academia, democrats, and the Left that they don’t understand the “real pain” that Trump supporters are feeling……oh, and Hillary’s favorability ratings are sooooo low. He created the monster in the White House and now wants his hands

Right? Kim is super bland and boring in context to the attention she gets.

I wish she did coke. It might actually give her a personality.

Yeah, it’s kinda just as I have feared all along. Sure the Trumps and company are despicable creatures, but the fact that so many people are okay with this should scare the shit out of all of us. I feel like we are 1932 Germany.