
Festival-goers and parade attenders are truly a goldmine of an untapped market for the adult diaper industry.

Also, Obamacare was “rammed through” in more than a year (about 13 months) with, if I recall correctly, more than 50 hearings, 25 days of debate and acceptance of Republican amendments.

a good way to get drunk realllllly fast is to take a shot every time one of them tries to defend this by the dropping the “YOU RAMMED OBAMACARE THROUGH!” blast, as if the decision to fuck over millions of people is somehow justified by the time honored defense of “well, YOU STARTED IT!”

Yeah, I mean....this woman’s basically like a Kardashian, right? No college degree in anything, no experience; she just knows how to plan parties and has a lot of connections to rich people? Instead of becoming a personal shopper, she’s getting roped into HUD. Yeah, it’s horrible, but you have to laugh at how much

That’s really not fair the the Fyre festival. Compared to the radioactive corium tire fire that is the Trump administration, the Fyre festival is a well oiled efficient machine. President Ja Rule would still be a buffoon making the US the laughing stock of the world, but at least he wouldn’t blather out confidential

Oh, boy, the Fyre Festival of urban housing.

This is getting too much use lately.

Don’t forget that some of Trump’s minions tried to push the idea that she is an actual witch (that bizarro “spirit cooking” insanity).

But none of those women were Donald Trump, so they cannot have possibly suffered to the yuge bigly extent as our martyred POTUS. Not since Jesus was nailed to the cross has anyone endured so much vicious evil. Probably not since humans learned to stride on two legs, even.  

He obsesses over people who are generally more liked than him. Obama, Hilary, Meryl Streep, Stephen King, all the people he sputters about as being crooked/talentless/evil, are all people that are considered to be the top in their fields and are respected by the population. He can’t understand why he isn’t


Good grief - either everyone in this damned administration has dementia OR they’re a bunch of liars and traitors. I’m definitely leaning towards the latter option being the likeliest one right now.

Look, any republican will tell you that taking money and other help from Russia to defeat those commie loving liberals in the democratic party is the American thing to do. Why don’t you love America?

Remember at that debate when Hillary said that Trump would be Putin’s puppet and some on the left and many on the right laughed? Also, when Trump said, “You’re the puppet.” He might have been looking past her to pretty much anyone who was working on his campaign at the time?

Watergate: At Least Nixon Was Smart Enough Not To Say All​ That Shit IN PUBLIC

45 is trying to normalize all this.... all this Russia bs..... and his supporters are standing firmly behind him. They think Putin and Co are good people.... not shocked.

Obviously, Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place, but haven’t we reached our limit yet on him? He should definitely be fired by now. He perjured himself (I still love how he lied about something he wasn’t even asked about) and now lied AGAIN about meeting with the Russians. I mean...WTF??

Nah. Just “fake news” because apparently all the journalists in the country have nothing better to do than make up a bunch of shit. Trump is going down and so is most of his administration. Trumpgate is gonna make Watergate look like child’s play.

Isn’t it weird that Republicans seem to be okay with high-level government officials seemingly colluding with Russia?

Is “collusion” the right word? That would suggest that the parties are equals. It seems the Trump folks are much dumber than the Russians.