
This only adds more evidence to my theory that being a famous person is like living in a really, really small town.

No, I have no idea why Tay has a $2 bill in her top.

90210hhh fuck i’m old.

Luke Perry was on a recent cover of AARP magazine.

10 years? That’s OK, I was afraid you were going to say 20 and I was going to shit myself.

As a Diane Kruger follower and truther, she has been posting high school emotional memes for a looooonnnng time. Also, I’m pretty sure her and J. Jackson split or were in limbo for well over a year or two now. He went from very frequent to non existent on her insta a long time before they split. And that’s when the

So does Donald Trump (Well, well done, but it’s all the same at that point!) Now go think about this life decision, and reconsider what medium rare really means to you.

And the fact the scum tried to wriggle out of it saying “NOT ME!” We need to stop being “nice” girls stat. Make a fucking scene. Cold cock a muthafuckah in public - whatever it takes. Reveal them as the predatory douches they are.

He’s a complete douchebag on air. No amount of manners off air makes up for it.

This is how toxic male entitlement is, a man feels safe sexually assaulting a much younger woman, surrounded by body guards and cameras, and then sues HER just for speaking up about it. Even with the highest end security team, our bodies are still treated like public property.

Effing Taylor is not safe from the patriarchy. I can’t wait until she snaps and goes off on all the men who throw her shade (*cough* Kanye) or belittle her talents...

Pure evil

If he did that to Taylor Fucking Swift, he’s done it to many other women who were easier targets with less resources. I hope that T wins her case, both for herself and for whoever else he has assaulted.

TSwizzle is awesome.

He looks like he could be the baby of Lance Armstrong and Matt Damon.

No matter how anyone feels about her, that is so awful and I hope she coped and recovered from the events smoothly :(

a radio DJ

I have a feeling no matter who writes this, there will be a preponderance of scenes of her smoking glamorously, crying, screaming, running and throwing things.

It’ll only work if Zelda gets her proper due, which given the predominance of white, male writers in Hollywood, I’m not optimistic.

Overrated in my mind as well, except for Winter’s Bone. She was quite good in that.