
I grew up with Wonder Woman. Cartoons, comics, dolls, TV show. She was an enormously empowering figure for girls then, and I think the occasional honoring of fictional characters as honorary ambassadors is wonderfully whimsical — in a world that could sorely use a little good-natured whimsy, particularly at the

If someone’s dying, why make their lives more miserable by making them give up the things that make them happy? I don’t get this attitude. It’s so selfish.

My grandparents didn’t drink, but they kept alcohol in the house for visitors, and at one point my grandma noticed that the liquor line was slowly going down even though they hadn’t been using it. The kids were too young to be responsible, and she couldn’t think of anything else, so she started watching the (entirely

Ugh, not in school, but when I first moved to Seattle with a friend he was a Microsoftie and the company put us up in one of their Issaquah condos for a month while we looked for a place.

That’s not unprecedented—-he has literally pretended to be someone else while talking to other people on the phone, while praising himself.

A friend of mine wanted her bridesmaids (of which I was one) to give her a Lladro bride and groom cake topper for her wedding. It was $600. SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. We did it, but man, that stung.

That guy was a jerk. He should’ve laughed it off instead of flouncing. Maybe he was a tiger in the sheets but a humourless pissybaby in the streets, and you dodged a bullet.

I was catching the subway in Toronto during rush hour on a weekday. Hundreds of people were walking through the station, and in front of me for about half an hour was a woman in a long, white flowing skirt with a huge dark red stain. It was crowded and I couldn’t get close enough to tell her, but it was also summer

Thanks. Been on the horn with my doc and friends in the med field. Seems more like I’m just going through simpler withdrawal symptoms and not the more dangerous DTs.

If you want a painless way to control your drinking, try the “Sinclair Method”. No willpower or abstinence required. Worked wonders for me so far.

This made me angry for you. You should have lied MORE

My poor 14yo daughter came home the other day and ran up to change her clothes (we are PJ people unless we are actually leaving the house) she came back down with her pants in her hands looking mortified. Wtf? She has 10000 female friends, ONE of them couldn’t have told her? I assured her it probably happened on the

I was raised by a single father, no mother and he was sincerely worried that I would not know how to be a girl so he put me in every girly type class (tap jazz ballet girl scouts and counseling) so there I am on one of my recitals in a white tutu and I start my first period. I slip out between intermission, thank god

My high school had uniforms and one day I was wearing a pleated khaki skirt that was already kind of bell shaped, so you already felt a breeze so to say. I made it from the parking lot, up two flights of stairs, across a bridge that goes over a 4 lane road (my high school is super weird), down two more flights of

I don’t know if this fits, but my grandmother implicated me in her lie. She smoked Cool Menthols. Horrible terrible gross cigarettes. Back when I smoked, I was a Marlboro guy, but I had quite for years.

So when I worked for an advertising firm in Memphis I was for whatever reason no matter what for the first few months I was always like 4 minutes late for work. I lived pretty far out in the suburbs and there was not a route into work that wasn’t a clusterfuck every morning. Nevermind that I was salaried and always

I might be getting caught here in the next few days in a major lie to my family about my drinking because I might be going through withdrawal right now.

I can’t believe he faxed it to the clerk. That’s some bullshit. Also, O_O

I eat it, if you must know.

When I was in 11th grade, my girlfriend and I decided to skip school one day. I had already been in trouble for skipping a lot of school, so I would need my mom to actually call with a reason I was going to miss school. So we came up with the bright idea to have my gf call in pretending to be my mom. She did a