
Has anyone on the Bill Clinton’s a rapist train been able to semi-coherently explain why that’s Hillary’s problem?

two men expressing natural fantasies

Parents messed her up GOOD by letting her marry that old dude, then her mother slept w/her husband (dragged it all on TV) & then she had a miscarriage and has been carrying a baby doll.. She been though IT

Was there a point she wasn’t mad? Or surrounded by madness?

OH MY GOD that blog post! If you got through the whole thing, you’ve got the patience of Job. She sounds absolutely insufferable. Whiny, entitled, demanding everyone treat their twee Victorian fetish as a “lifestyle.” And how terribly, terribly brave they are to stick to their principles. And she never shuts up! And

Holy fuck that blog post.

Also? They insist on living as Victorians 24/7 with their oil lamps and corsets and high-wheeled bikes, but they have a BLOG. And use the INTERNET.

now i have gone and read that whole blog post. this was one of the comments: “As someone who wears a corset under my modern day clothing and researches history as well as participates in the Society of Creative Anachronism I am sad you were treated this way. I have wondered around in an apron and under dress often

Jesus, I remember how labor intensive the ‘50s were. All my relatives were farmers — you want to talk about work, and I’m just referring to the farm wife role. I have zero desire to find out how bad the 19th Century was.

Right! Those extra-special snowflakes who visited a Victorian garden in BC, ignored the part of the website advising that costumes are not permitted, refused the staff’s attempts to arrive at a compromise, then moaned piteously on their blog. I remember them.


Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.

“Trump’s just an idiot with no sense of aesthetics”

Nah, it’s not just that he’s fat. I’m fat, and a $600 made-to-measure suit makes me look plenty sharp.

While I respect your clearly well-developed palate, if pumpkin pizza becomes a thing, I’m getting my passport and ditching America. Some things must remain sacred.

It’s basically the worst. If I named the flavor of pumpkin spice latté, it would be “the worst.”

As an American living in America, I don’t understand it either.

And the after taste, jesus, the after taste...

As a foreigner living in USA I just do not understand why you put pumpkin to everything once autumn arrives.