
Used to work there. Can confirm it’s 100% intentional, to the chagrin of the user experience team

When my baby was a few weeks old I tried to stop a subscription several different times but all I could figure out to do was delay the shipment. I was looking for the “cancel” button on the website and thought I was too tired to find it.

Jamie: “What are we cooking today Lindsey?
Lindsey: “Meth.”

This dude is only 32!!!!!!! He looks 50!!!!!!!

Being paid out by an insurance company usually involves being available for questioning by police, and generally behaving like someone who wants the thieves to be caught. Being a wealthy foreigner is somewhat different, of course, since it would be easier for her to get back and forth. But why can’t Kim stay in Europe

selficide squad

I am a bit rusty on my International Law 101 from ITT Tech but I am pretty sure that a person just doesn’t get to leave right after being robbed for that much money and in that manner. If they suspect it’s an inside job but let her and her entire entourage get to go back to the states? What?

Got robbed for $10 million in jewelry... Leave the country the next day.

Me by the end of this week trying to put the clues together

For sure. Jennifer Garner is the most likeable thing about Ben Affleck.

That would kill Jon Voight for sure.

They would run the world.

She really is when you think about it, she doesn’t care one bit what she’s wearing when she’s being followed by the papz bc she knows she looks damn good. And her bone structure is insane. I saw her in butter and thought she was great.

Although she claims to be bisexual, I’ve always felt Angelina leaned more toward full-on lesbian. Marriage to Brad seemed to eradicate a fascinating androgyny in her personality.

Possibly. I think he is the type who wants to fix things but doesn’t like the idea that he needs to work on himself before he can work on his relationships.

Maybe, yeah. And when you’re married you have a live-in partnership in child-rearing.


Would’ve been more fun if Garner said she was dating Angelina Jolie.

If you never have anything good to say about anybody, then come talk to me because you and I are going to have a fun time together.