
Jennifer and Paul crack me up because she has huge, dark eyebrows and his are practically translucent.

It seems that what he meant is that he was going to talk about Bill’s philandering, but allegedly held back for Chelsea’s sake. Oh, if only ... please let him open that door.

I think that’s Eileen Davidson, a longtime actress on daytime soaps. She’s also part of one of the Real Housewives. Beverly Hills.

I will never understand racist white people’s obsession with Chicago.

One amazing thing about that was she handed him an easy opening to talk about Benghazi, and he failed to pounce. I doubt he had any idea what that 11 hour hearing comment was referencing. He is so woefully underprepared at all times it’s amazing. It was one of the easiest shots and he didn’t take it.

Mike Pence had the gall to complain that Hillary constantly insulted Trump. Since when is calling someone out on their lies considered an “insult”?

He guzzled water almost as awkwardly as Rubio.

I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.

It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.

Every time she interrupted he got all pissy, and then he proceeded to interrupt and talk over both her AND the moderator.

On cnn, axelrod basically said reagan always prepared for debates so let’s not insult him by comparing trump to him

I love the moments where she was looking at him and just blinking like “this idiot right here...”

He’s not racist because of golf.

Damn straight. Dude’s got to drop at least 100 lbs to get to 400.

EXACTLY. I hate that this comment was swept over. That and his defense for discriminating against blacks in the 70s. He basically said ‘other people were doing it, too’. That’s not an excuse, Donald.

The irony was that this was mere moments after calling for policies to end overseas tax havens and complaining about companies leaving the country for cost reasons.

I don’t know about that. And I don’t care if you wanna do your best to not pay taxes but in my opinion you can’t at the same time claim to support our troops while doing everything you can to not pay the money that actually goes to supporting them.

I am so hardcore about paying taxes. It definitely sounded like he doesn’t pay income tax.

It’s splits like this that make me really nervous. I’m getting married in a few months, and if there’s anyone in the world that I believe I can go the distance with, it’s my fiance. That said, I’m well aware that love isn’t actually all you need, and sometimes even relationships with strong foundations crumble.

sorry everyone