
Sex an the City with Grandmom and Grandpop. Spunky Funk episode.

What is with that?? My parents had sex on the living room floor, too. Well, they tried: I walked in to see my butt-naked mom crawling seductively over to my dad, I gasped, and they leaped to their feet while covering their respective junk, squealing at me to go back to bed.

My Mom took me to see Boogie Nights.

I found my mom’s vibrator

I found my mom’s diaphragm. I used to play with it. It wasn’t until years later I discovered what it really.

Never forget. (Couples with strong marriages making movies together about couples with broken marriages then breaking up shortly after is the new old thing.)

I have a feeling that this divorce is going to be very, very ugly. Like Depp-Heard ugly.

also there is no way you could convince me that he wears deoderant

There are only so many hobbies that can be pursued while in a meeting!

I haven’t really worked in a meeting-rich environment, but my gut says yes? I don’t really see something like, “Kara had a a good idea, we should try what she said,” or “Going back to what Louisa said,” or “Hey, Anne’s making a good point, let her finish,” coming off as condescending.

A couple of my colleagues do similar things at work. My organization is almost entirely men (we have no women or enbies in leadership positions), and amplifying women’s voices is a constant struggle.

Don’t get me wrong. I like a lot of the characters he has played, but I also think he is extremely overrated as an actor.

Next up: a divorce! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, two beautiful B-listers who have successfully conned the world into thinking they’re A-listers (I like them both, but they are not reliable leading actors. Don’t @ me.)

Now I just need additional female engineers (currently stands at one: me) on our tech team.

This is very timely as I just had to listen to a female colleague tell me how she prefers working with men because women are “too emotional” and “full of drama”.

You had me at “Susan Sarandon.” I know people think she’s a bit wackadoo in her political opinions, but I will watch anything she’s in. And then rewatch it and rewatch it because I love her.

It’s just my opinion that Cinemark needs to behave better. Their CEO earns what, annually? About $900,000 from what I understand. Think about that. How does that compare with the average American who visits their theater? When you own a business, if there's a mass shooting that takes place in your establishment, this

Okay, so you recognize that the theater chain wasn’t at fault for the shooting. It’s not their fault that these families filed a lawsuit against them. It’s not their fault the plaintiffs refused to accept a settlement. And now they’ve agreed not to attempt to recover their legal fees, meaning they spent a shit ton of

Coconut milk FTW!

The overpowering sexual chemistry between Ryan Seacrest and Adriana Lima is incredible! I haven’t been witness to anything like it since...since...well, Seacrest and Teri Hatcher!