
Yep, he does.

I hope his old face grows back and his body rejects the pec-implants.

I hope it’s dead.

And those partners share in the firm profits. So she profits from PR’s representation of Sony. It’s still shady. I work in the legal field, I’m married to an attorney. While we don’t discuss certain aspects of our work due to confidentiality/business sensitive issues, I find it very hard to believe this wasn’t dinner


Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world... etc., etc.

Never underestimate rich people and their desire to throw away their money.

People are making me not feel bad about buying a set of Golden Girl bobble head

I’m the same way. It’sa good thing I’ll never be rich because I DON’T UNDERSTAND RICH PEOPLE!

That reminds me, I need to get my boots resoled.

Ugh. I have no argument with wealthy people buying beautiful, expensive things. I would if I could. HOWEVER, deliberately throwing away money on a pastiche of poverty disgusts me.

He can dere-lick his own balls.

I would think SHE would have known. Up thread someone said Proskauer Rose reps Sony and her husband works at PR. PR’s name would have obviously been at the top of all their pleadings.

Is the fact that he’s a partner in the law firm more of an issue though than if he was just a regular lawyer?

In most states’—including mine—rules of judicial conduct, financial interest of one’s SO is one of the mandatory recusal conditions. No real national consensus on whether J has an obligation to recuse herself on her own motion, though. Kesha’s lawyers’ failure to move for her honor to recuse isn’t the finest

My Law and Order degree says yes.

Legal Jezzies should a judge immediately recuse themselves when a case involves the company their SO works for? It seems sketchy AF that this judge heard a case involving Sony...

I think it was Tuesday, Wednesday morning? And NPR did a bit about Trump’s “outreach” speech to African-Americans.

Their ideal is to be ethnically ambiguous. You make more money when everyone can see themselves in you and by extension, what you sell.

Political shade is my second favorite shade. My favorite shade is my mom’s. She is so shady, it’s not really about figuring out whether something she said was shade or not, it’s whether something was intentional shade or unintentional shade.