
Yep yep yep.

Yup, had the same common wisdom advice bestowed upon me. There was also the even more unseemly caveat; that your ring meant you’d be less DTF your way to the top. This was told to me by a recruiter, albeit not one I was working with but rather one who was trying to seem impressive at the bar. He practically whispered

Oh, how I wish that that attitude was (or were still) limited to men...

With larger rings, the assumption was supposedly that you were more likely to ditch the job after the wedding because a woman with a rich husband was less likely to care about her career.

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an

There's nothing wrong with the original movies. And tom cruise sucks.

I don’t think anyone reasonable thinks that when pressed, but it would be cool if all these “feminists” here on Jez would stop yelling at this young woman and start yelling at gross David O. Russell.

I thought the exact same thing! All those people languishing in prison for drug offenses, but sexual predators barely serve time if they serve any time at all. WTF is up with our values as a society?

Anytime I hear someone excuse a sex offender or a batterer I wonder what they have been getting up to in their private time.

Well, clearly he doesn’t think that the lives of women and children matter much.

I sincerely believe this man “probably” (would hate to get sued) committed date rape at some point in his life. No one defends, excuses and rationalizes rape, and in particular date rape, this relentlessly unless they’ve got a few skeletons hiding in their closet.

So glad you referenced the victim impact statement. If a judge, at his own dissection, wasn’t moved to a harsher sentence from that, well, RECALL! REMOVAL.!

I’m confused, so alcohol made it the girl’s fault she got raped, and alcohol made it not the boy’s fault that he commited rape. Are they saying alcohol is to blame or not?!

Fair enough, though I suppose that criticism could be (and may have been) lobbed at a young Meryl Streep.

So Jlaw should just turn them down on principle despite the fact that an actress’s shelf life in Hollywood is about 2 weeks? Because then the producers would certainly offer those roles to over-thirty actresses.

Hm. Being from the midwest and young I saw a lot of binge drinking, and the majority of the time people knew not to rape anyone, drunk or sober. I think it’s even less relevant when child pornography is involved. How the fuck would alcohol make one a pedophile?

The German courts decided that she was objecting to the filming rather than the sexual assault because, though screaming “no” and “stop”, she didn’t physically struggle enough?!

Pardon me while I go set everything on fire.

Screw IPA’s.

“It is impossible to talk about alcohol and not talk about sex.”