
Lady can’t even get elected mayor.

Bakara is the fucking worst. I can NOT believe I even briefly thought about voting for these pieces of shit. They can both join Trump in hell, as far as I’m concerned. I look forward to watching Stein get .0001% of the vote.

My sister did something like this 20 years ago. While it was foreign to my family - we aren’t great about sharing feelings or any “weakness” - i remember thinking how awesome it was to tell her why we loved her before her death. She worked for a political puppet theatre in Minneapolis so it was done in their theatre

We did this for my sister-in-law. The party lasted all day and into the night. She occasionally took naps during the day. I can’t tell you how many people showed up. Lots! Even people she went to grade school with! She was 70 years old at the time of the party. It was a great day and it ended with a huge illegal

I love this and and I believe in this. I’m tired of “passed away”. We die. It’s inevitable. Everyone should have some agency and dignity when it comes to how this happens. My brother died almost 14 years ago of a rare cancer. We had almost a year to love him and say goodbye. He did it the way he wanted to.

I feel like it would be so hard for me not to cry, I would be taking lots of bathroom breaks.

The first thing a DA does is discredit their victim through any means possible. The second I got away from my own abusive ex, he ran crying to all our mutal friends to make sure they were aware I was going to tell them he raped me and that I was a liar.

People want all abusers to be one-dimensional scary monsters so that they don’t have to deal with the fact that literally anyone can be abusive.

I see Amber as forced to take a trip down Crazy Road because she’s married to an addict. It’s a relationship where rational behavior, dignity and trust come to have no meaning. Never get involved with alcoholics/addicts, people. Trying to find love with an addict is like trying to find milk in a hardware store– it’s

It demonstrates a pattern when it’s not the first known incident like this for Depp. Let’s not pretend like Amber Heard is the first woman who has accused Depp of behaving violently/destructively when drunk. To my knowledge, Vanessa Paradis has never made such claims, but at least two of his previous girlfriends

Yup, my ex continued abuse via his lawyers, it was so obvious I’m shocked they were happy to take his case. He did go through three during the time, so maybe the first two had attacks of conscience.

My dad would somehow magically sober up whenever I called the cops and claim I was just an over-sensitive teen who misinterpreted a family arguement while my mom sat in silent fear. The last time I called, I got a lecture from the cops about not calling 911 unless it was an actual emergency. After they left, my dad

Yes, half the internet know this AFTER the fact and that Amber was allegedly late. WHY does half the internet know this ? Ask Depp’s lawyers.

This so much. She’s getting so much scrutiny for not submitting her deposition. The descriptions I’ve read of her crying and being in hysterics read as someone who had a severe moment of panic when faced with speaking about their trauma. Many victims of abuse, domestic or otherwise, can break down when telling their

Yes! I always feel raped by my ex’s lawyer. It’s very unpleasant. I found that addressing him by his first name and acting like we’re friends disconcerted him and slowed the attacks. Something for you to ponder if you have to deal with your ex’s lawyer again.

And I think the focus should be on his real behavior and not her alleged behavior. Which has been what I’ve been saying all along.

We don’t actually know if she is lying. Someone at the courthouse could have leaked it just as easily. But, what gets me is the clear contempt you have for her in your comments while saying nothing about Depp’s behavior, which is far worse.

How does her possibly lying seem so much worse than watching him do violent

On this very site, people were very loudly insisting that yelling and throwing things during a fight are not in any way abusive behavior. So, I can’t imagine what other sites comment sections are like.

Well, but honestly, so what?

I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.

So fucking depressing.