
That is the world we live in. Annoying white girl who calls the paparazzi way too much is way worse than serial rapist and abuser, of course.

Seriously. My dad had to pay poll taxes till he was almost thirty for the right to vote. Worked hard to give us a better life and that work has paid off.

Wanting to share that I have been a Bernie supporter, but I am so very proud to be voting for, and supporting Hillary Clinton. I did tear up at the end of the roll call, because I was proud that Sanders did the right thing and pledged his support to Clinton.

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

Got a little lump in my throat reading this. I’m not saying we don’t have a ways to go yet, but goddamn. It’s always good to have a reminder of how far we’ve come, and how hard those who came before us fought (which is why we can’t get complacent!).

My 84 year old mother has dementia but is still lucid enough to know what’s going on (even if she forgets it 15 minutes later), and she is so so so excited at Hillary Clinton being elected president. This election is for these wonderful women as much as it is for any of us.

As a Texas resident I feel you.

My grandmother was 89 when she passed away a month ago and in hospice at the end when she was starting to be pretty unaware and we knew it would be over soon we just went ahead and told her Hillary had been elected and my grandmother, the lifelong democrat who went back to college in her 40s, was so happy. So we need

I know I’m like 10 minutes away from starting my monthly grind but I am emotionally unstable in the best way. I am sobbing again because of this woman WHO WATCHED HER MOTHER VOTE IN THE FIRST ELECTION THAT INCLUDED WOMEN and also because my own three daughters are going to witness a woman elected president of these

I won't lie, I teared up when she cast her votes.

the SmugMug is so strong with this bag of dicks.

And she is IMMENSELY quotable.

It’s amazing. I look like a psycho when I watch it. There’s a lot of clapping my hands together and yelling “suck it, assholes!” She does not pull her punches.

You SHOULD feel guilty. Get on that shit. It’s worth it. Even if you have to give up something else to make the time!!!


This is my #1 favorite comment on any Dirtbag. The person who has either never read Dirtbag, is too obtuse to realize that the entire column is about celebrity gossip and thus gossip rags are sources, OR thinks this is a new and original way to troll despite the fact that at least one person a day comes down to make

Tastes like pee?

does michael lohan CC TMZ on all his text messages?

I am dying to slap Timberlake, some people have all the fun.

My dick is like a can of bud light: Supremely disappointing. :(