
Good for your mom. I’m glad she’s okay. I once had a roaring fight with a boyfriend when I said that, if someone were attacking me, I would jab them in the eye with a key. I thought this was a good idea. He did not, and lectured me on how awful it would be to blind someone.

Does anyone else think this kid was coached? Famous is not really a concept that toddlers get (or maybe I just hang with very down to earth toddlers). #KardashianKidKonspiracy.

see i feel the opposite. i think jac is just a bitch who is also probably an alcoholic. to me, danielle had a serious untreated personality disorder that was causing serious harm to her daughters (and still is- the oldest one gave an interview recently and although she is doing great in college she was still obviously

She had it LEGALLY CHANGED to he double E a few years ago. “Live in the positive, BITCH!”

Was named Ashley, changed to Ashlee.

Jacqueline is crazy, yes but that does not negate the pure insanity that is Danielle Straub. She was just so pathetic and such a delusional, obvious liar. I cringed for her daughters every single episode.

I was NOT expecting to hear that.

She’s going to be a mother. Which is terrifying.

The Kardashians. All 5,493,502 of them. I don’t really know how many there are - their faces change so often, I’m not sure if they’re the same original family members or if they’re multiplying.

This is a favorite of mine, too:


Milania came out of the womb a truculent teenager. As for Ashlee, oh Ashlee, I’m wondering if she is the same entitled, delusional girl she was years ago. I no longer have cable, so I will be looking forward to these udpates!

Even after she’s inevitably murderer 15 or more people, I will still love her.

Either that or she’ll head up a murderous cult that makes The Manson Family look like The Brady Bunch, followed by a life sentence in prison where they have to invent a whole new level of security just for her.

Jaqueline needs to be in a mental institution. I remember giving Danielle so much shit when RHONJ first came out but it was Crazy Jax the whole time. I LOATHE her. Also, sick of the Wakiles and the Manzos in general so if we could keep that shit to a minimum that would be great.

Milania is a national treasure.

Milania is the perfect combination of flipping table Teresa and no fucks cheating on the phone in a vineyard Joe. It’s like someone froze their personalities at those moments and then created this beautiful demon child.

I mean, those kids have awful parents so I can understand why they’re awful too, but how do their parents not drown them in the bathtub for that shit?