
Is Khloe filming a remake of Josie & The Pussycats on the side?

Another Gun Free Zone too where the unarmed public was sitting ducks, amirite?

The only solution is more open carry, which proved so indisputably effective in Dallas.

Things are changing. The police just said they’re going to stop using “soft” tactics and return to brutal authoritarianism. So we’ve got that going for us.

I wonder if there will be thoughts and/or prayers offered up.

Yup. I was just on a jury in criminal court in New Orleans. No guns for anyone once past the main doors. That way no one gets shot. I thought that was standard procedure for most court houses, guess I was wrong.

Did they name their kids after the main characters in Wild At Heart on purpose?

Ahem. Kind of like naming your kids Romeo and Juliet. On the bright side, Halloween costumes are a no-brainer:

Stop screaming internally. Tell her kindly: you’re not helping and you know it. Please do not offer me further unsolicited advice.

I mean there are lots of options. You could just open a bottle of wine and watch movies and say fuck both the laundry and the dishes. It’s not like getting two kids fed, clean, and to bed is at all time consuming, right?

This is completely off topic but I need to vent.

“Look Lula. Once upon a time, Mommy did a bad thing but for a very good reason. Grandpappy FlappyLips needed a #1. Somehow the people in the world overlooked years of legitimate, amazing songs and never gave him and his friends a #1 song. Some Mommy had to make a bad movie so that Diane Warren would give one of the

I kept eagerly asking my husband (while he was watching the stage on DVR), “Have the llamas attacked yet? Have they? Have you seen any llamas?” No llamas appeared during race coverage. DISAPPOINTED.

They both sound probllamatic.

Apparently the llamas heard about all the drugs at the Tour de France and decided they wanted to check out the scene. The only hope for the race is for them to decide it’s gotten too mainstream and isn’t worth their time.

I’ve actually visited Buchenwald in person and spent a day at Yad Vashem.

“Them moose look hood as fuck”

I’m willing to bet $100 that he’s the kind of guy that says “really” right to your face as you're crying

1) If girlfriend #2 is upset over girlfriend #1 being in close proximity, than girlfriend #2 has bigger problems than girlfriend #1, 2) I think none of these girlfriends are happy with him because a) I believe he has a secret, b) he’s a snore.