
I see that as a bridge-builder and a way to give visibility to LGBTQ officers.

When I was in high school I tried to get a job at Hot Topic. (Back when it was goth-knock off, not whatever it is today, ‘k?) Within minutes of starting the interview I knew there was no way I was going to get hired. They made me “audition” with two guys competing for same job. The guy interviewing me was as giant


I terminated my pregnancy today. It’s really early, just weeks, so I did the pill. Everyone at my doctor’s office was incredibly kind to me, my husband has been great. It was 100% the right decision for us: my Con list stretched on for miles, my Pro list was basically just, “Yay, a baby.” I have 2 beautiful, healthy,

Words cannot express how much I thank you for this gift. Not only have I witnessed peak white-girl dance party realness but I now also know that Alanis and I had the exact same hairstyle in 1991. I feel complete.

I would have named my kid “Black Comfort”. Clearly, I’m not as poetic.

So glad you said it first. Maybe she's channeling Blue? 'Cause those are some sweet, frilly Little Girl-go'in to Bible School togs. Even worse? SYNTHETIC. Girl must be sweating so hard, she'll never get the spanx off without injury:(

Some very fair-skinned men (Ailes is one, without the TV makeup) just naturally have very red privates, especially their balls. It’s not appealing to look at, but it isn’t necessarily an indicator that something is medically wrong.

Now playing

Coby Smulders is Canadian in real life, too. It was a great joke for people who remember original Alanis. But Alanis’ original music wasn’t so much mall-flavoured as it was pop-dance faux hip hop flavoured. And a few songs made it into the Canadian top 10. Her choreographed dancing was the BEST.

Alternate Title: How to become a vegetarian in 10 seconds or less.

It’s just so strikingly ridiculous how bad her fashion choices are. They are sooooooooo bad. She always looks so good in videos and performances*, but it’s clear that someone else intervened.

Jesus Christ, what was the man doing to his dick?

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

And they were red like raw hamburger.

Alanis Morissette Had a Baby, Named Her Onyx Solace

Heh, I literally wrote that comment by piecing together different people who have said and done those exact same things. In fact, I was having a conversation with a girl about these fucked up dreams I keep having (yes, I’m one of those people) and yesterday she came up to me and said that her mom wants to see me be

I’m not hating, cuz I love me some Alanis but that totally sounds like an Elizabeth Taylor fragrance.

She sounds like one of those moms who comes off as suuuuper chill and friendly until she discovers your house has a microwave and is located on an energetically unbalanced axis in the ground and bans her children from playing with yours in a swear world-laden email with links to as her attempt to “educate”

They considered Aquamarine Ennui. It just lacked an indefinable something. Sigh...

....Hubby wanted to name the child Zirconia Turmoil, but Alanis wasn’t having it.....