
I’m still under the impression that Taylor’s a virgin and only knows of sex and romance what she learned from TV and movies.

Actually, the one cool outcome of all this would be if Taylor was doing a performance art piece about heteronormativity and ended it by marrying Karlie.

I don’t know how she can do it with Karlie STANDING RIGHT THERE.

I don’t think it’s fake. I do think that he needs her a lot more than she needs him. She gives him mainstream legitimacy for when he decides to move on from playing an evil Norse God from a comic book. She gets the chance to brag about how she banged a Norse God from a comic book.

Mutual bearding.

Really? Her interview bits feel very similar to me. Yes the monologue and the news segments are super righteously outraged which I love, but to me the actual interviews are classic Sam Bee Daily Show. I think it shows she had a lot of creative control and a strong voice even then.

I know it’s a typo but I could see Cunningham actually sleeping on a cod.

I would so do Samantha Bee.

Oh gosh. I really liked her on TDS. Some of my favorite pieces were hers. She did some amazing stuff during the ‘04 and ‘08 election seasons.

She wakes up at 5 a.m. every day and makes “at least a dozen meals” for her family of five.

i feel so badly, but ME TOO!! and it’s election season, Daily Show should be on FIRE right now...

Oh sure, she does it and it’s successful make-up packaging. I do it and I’m “banned from Baskin & Robbins”.

everyone should read her memoir (or listen to it on audio like i have 5 times) it’s hilarious

Well the men’s shows say they have a blind application process, too, but somehow they only manage to hire men similar to themselves. It’s the steps she took around the blind application process that made it work.

Not going to lie, the relative failure of the Daily Show under Trevor Noah also brings me glee. Samantha Bee is pulling in double what he is, and I love it.

I’d want Kylie’s lipkits to come in plain brown box tbh. Don’t want the mailwoman to know I’m into that. (Also it sounds like my lips would swell up like Kylie’s if I used the product - cool!!!)

Are these things edible? Why are there brown spots between the teeth in the logo?

Not having to spit out the term “President Trump” should be all the excitement you need to support Hillary.

I love Samantha Bee and her show. She is on point and angry. I like that about her.

I know you’re leftist as all get out (which I respect) so you’ll probably disagree, but honestly what we’re going to get is basically just Obama 2.0, except her pet cause will be women’s issues instead of racial justice.