
that makes YOU a feminist by association. Look at that cat, she’s a goddamn hero

I think the difference here will hinge on whether her immediate responses while the act was taking place makes her criminally liable. The other times listed, that was not the case. But she told him to get back in the car, after he had already exited the vehicle, mid suicide attempt. It may be enough to rise to

I’ve suffered from severe depression, including suicidal periods, and “no” is my answer. Read the transcripts. There is nothing caring or sympathetic or loving about her behavior. She nags and harangues and badgers him to kill himself and did it for months and months on end. My own mental health struggles mean I can

For me the series of texts exchanged after he got out of the suicide car are the clincher.

“Encouraged” is a bit of an understatement. She was like demanding it.

Wow, that’s utterly ridiculous that she was charged. For one thing, if a woman can legally abort a pregnancy, she should not be charged with murder. And attempting suicide should by definition means she was mentally incompetent at the time of the act.

The fact that she’s citing the First Amendment makes me want her to be found guilty. THAT’S NOT HOW THAT FUCKING WORKS YOU TRASHBIN.

Breaking up with someone is not a crime, no matter what they do afterwards. The Clemenit case is very different. Ravi Whatshisname was not charged with having anything to do with Tyler’s suicide, but for taping him and putting his private actions online for people to watch. I

It looks like she’s clearly faking an innocent, sad face. Compounding the awfulness of that, I get the feeling she’s confident she’s pulling it off. She comes across as incredibly manipulative.

Something about her shitty little face makes me even more convinced she should be found guilty.

This girl can fuck right off. I had an ex tell me to kill myself when I was struggling. This shit is unacceptable.

I realize it’s no longer in the DSM, but Borderline Personality is the apt descriptor here. If you encounter one, run. That’s all I’m sayin’.

“Friend” is not the apt descriptor here.

Someone on Gawker once responded to my comment pointing out his misogyny by saying, “Says the fat woman who men ignore.”

FUCK Ian Connor forever and ever. In addition to being a rapist, dude has no talent, surfs by on other people’s waves, and is in general a tremendous douchebag. I hope he dies alone on a garbage barge.

good god. My favorite part of that is where he went on to Burning Man after she texted she’d had a miscarriage. Can’t miss Burning Man.

Well, the personal essay is supposed to be ... you know ... personal.

No, confessional writing done by women tends to be more direct and honest. It has its own tiresome cliches (inflation of the banal, sentimental, purple language), but it’s a different kind of bad/boring. This article is correct in its assessment.

Since I grew up in a nice neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles and found I was a talented writer in high-school creative writing classes, naturally I was introduced to Bret Easton Ellis, whom I thought was brilliant when I was a lost sixteen year old. Unfortunately, that impacted my writing for

Show me an article like the ones described that was written by a woman.