
I am embarrassed for liking W’s paintings.

I actually think the Brown and Cosby figures are really gross and are the only thing I really take issue with. Cosby drugged and raped multiple women. Putting naked women (or their likeness) in bed with him without permission is super gross, so I guess I also have to hope that they approved.

It’s definitely harassment and it’s fucking obsession as well. He is completely and utterly obsessed with Amber Rose and Taylor Swift. This should be a red flag for his wife.

Love your comment. Wish more people would wake the fuck up. Kanye gets a free pass for being a misogynist, and the way he has treated Amber Rose (as if she is his property for life) gets ignored because people do not respect her. This is also my problem with the Kardashian/Jenner family AND their fan base—they

I dunno. Apparently (not watching the video myself) Bill Cosby is one of the naked figures in the bed. NOBODY wants to be in on a video depicting their likeness naked in bed with the Coz. NOBODY. (Also, yeah, Rihanna’s waxwork is in bed....right next to that of Chris Brown. Stay classy, Kanye.)

As a visual artist I am so over people like Kanye just looking at fine art, riffing off it, 90% of his fans thinking it’s his concept... rinse, repeat. I think he and Beyonce are about tied for some of their most popular aesthetic statements being other people’s original work.

I’m a lawyer and I think an argument could be made that Kayne is making money off Taylor Swift’s likeness without consent and without compensating her for it.

I’ll believe that maybe she’s really and truly getting her shit together when she says something like “I am an addict who fucked my life up despite numerous chances to turn it around. I’m accountable.” This recent quote is dancing closer to that than she has in the past but still.

W is the only real artist in this video

I don’t know why people continue to give Kanye a pass. He’s a disgusting misogynist (proven by his constant rants and his music) and I’m sorry but depicting a woman whose made it clear she wants nothing to do with you naked in your music video is called harassment. If Kanye were some random not a famous rapper he’d

I think the idea of it being a part of rape culture is the revenge porn nature of deciding that the bodies of people who’ve wronged you belong to you and are yours to expose at your own whim, with or without their consent. By doing this, Kanye is taking ownership of the bodies of others. Don’t write off that criticism

“a video in which no one is being physically violated”

Gwake’s been awfully quiet lately. Contract renegotiations?

I’m also surprised there hasn’t been more feminist criticism. There’s basically been a collective shrug save for a few things.. Kanye is more or less covered while most of the women (save Kim) are fully exposed. I believe only the asses of the men are shown. The camera basically focuses on the wax Rihanna’s chest for

Agreed about it being a solid move, it’s just confusing to me that Taylor Swift who is so controlling of her image, who threatens legal action against Etsy sellers, and who copyrighted “this sick beat,” has nothing to say.

I think it’s a solid move from those depicted in the video. Don’t engage with the trolls. Kanye wanted to start shit with this video, don’t give him the satisfaction.

West is trying to convince us that this artistic gesture holds some deeper meaning,

I have a friend who caught her husband sexting with a friend because all the conversations were saved on their shared icloud. She told him “I’m not sure if I should dump you for cheating or for being so stupid”. This reminds me of that.

Cheating and cheaters sure makes life “interesting”...

You do you Lilo