OHHHH TLC the musical group, not TLC the channel. Makes much more sense.
OHHHH TLC the musical group, not TLC the channel. Makes much more sense.
I'm annoyed that the negative comments are so common that you have to preempt them in your article. Sometimes it's just a story, people. Relax and read a simple tale about something dumb that some guy in show business did.
And of course this hatred for all things YA just happens to have the same condescending tone aimed at anything feminine. Hm..wonder why...maybe cause lots of YA is written/read by women....hmmm
I just want to kick him right in the crotch so hard.
I read about that on GOOP! The hot thing for summer is leaving your corporeal form behind to inhabit the spiritual plane!
I love you so much for this, Mark. Forever <3 <3 <3
IIRC, she "read" Amanda Berry's mom and told her that Amanda was dead (when she was actually in Ariel Castro's basement) and Mrs. Berry died a few years later. Amanda's sister basically said that without the hope of bringing her daughter home alive, she just gave up.
In my wife's hometown the "spiritual advisor" had her place burn down.
Ha, as a college professor I can tell you that most colleges are 1000% behind that idea too. You know who doesn't agree with the idea that STEM subjects are the only things that matter? (other than "liberal arts" teachers like myself, of course) STEM employers! I've been to multiple talks with college counselors and…
I think it is interesting that everybody was freaking out about this judge saying this girl was "older than her biological age" and thus capable of making the sexual decisions that she did while other judges are not censured or even questioned for saying that 12-year old girls have the same ability to judge right and…
Especially if they're walking swiftly. All that just goes *fwip fwip* left and right, almost impossible to miss.
True facts:
1. Anyone who uses "female" as a noun is an asshole.
2. Anyone who needs to tell us that s/he's not a prude is probably a prude.
Addendum for the men: Please, no sloppy PJ pants, T-shirts, workout clothes, or sweatpants. Shirts should be clean and pressed and have a collar, please no characters, text, or logos. Tie and jacket strongly preferred. Dark jeans or khakis with a belt only. No tennis shoes or sandals. I'm SO tired of seeing guys dress…
In 5 years washing dishes, prep cooking, and waiting tables at 3 different restaurants, I never saw or heard about anyone fucking with anyone's food, fwiw. I don't think it's common at all.
Serious question… Do you think that the Top 10 List from David Letterman, below, is related at the mild end of this same spectrum? These attitudes and jokes are of course pervasive in American culture. My Dad sent me this email string. It made me so sad and we are currently having an email standoff about it and…