
His biggest public slipup was when he mischaracterized what Jodi Montgomery (the professional guardian/fiduciary) said and was surprised that she immediately corrected him publicly. He started pointing fingers at professional asset managers and lawyers and was surprised that they were not having it. Of course they

That’s also the IT dilemma: when it works, “why are we paying you?” And when it breaks, “why are we paying you?”

And all of this because he couldn’t see the optics of how making himself the new host after a big campaign/search for a new one.

Hilarious, dude could have just coasted by unnoticed raking in that EP income, but he just had to force a hosting gig for himself, bringing his skeeze into the spotlight.

Quick, can someone splice this over the first Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer?

“sexist, racist, classist, and anti-Semetic statements.”

We all know that they are going to choose Dr. Oz to prolong our long national nightmare.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Look again. That little light below the driver side headlight is the turn signal for the 4th gen Accord

did they also throw out DaBathwater?

A person with a dress shirt, tie, hardhat, and clipboard has unlimited access to almost 99% of the secured spaces in the world by acting confident.

You don’t even need to be confident, just look confident. I’ve been faking it all my life!

His former wife helped with the operation by swallowing some of the chips. (That is to say, his ex ate six.)

It would require a lot of RAM and a good hard drive to be able to run that many CPU’s up his butt.

He was once indeed America’s Huckleberry.

In case you haven’t been watching the show, early on, after she’s gone home with an also-hot Guy Pearce, he expresses shock to discover her character is a grandmother, and she responds (paraphrasing here), “Do I fuck like a grandmother?”

I drive until the car runs out. Then I pop the trunk, grab a plastic bag of gas, pour it into the tank/on my fender/on the ground, then drive to the nearest gas station. Easy.

Good choices, I would probably cast Oldman as The Chief. Director would be key, of course. I just finished Tenet which is why I think John David Washington would be perfect for a Christopher Nolan directed Inspector Gadget.

And that’s not anything new, even “gritty reboots” are safe and focus tested sure nuff bets. No one has the stones to do a gritty Inspector Gadget reboot then OR now. (If I’m wrong, please don’t steal my idea which is just Robocop coping with being a goofy cyborg in an eerily similar dystopia.)