
And yet you can do everything “correct” and still have bad things happen to you.

I personally know someone who was a seat belt wearing back seat passenger and died because someone under the influence of drugs and looking at his phone plowed into the back of the car she was in at freeway speed and didn’t see that all

You might want to take a look again at the door pull in question because that’s definitely a noose:

Agreed, but we don’t know who else actually auditioned and/or offered the role and declined before Zazzie accepted the role.

Not much of a prank once you realize that airport security (including private hangars) and the actual owner of the plane had to be involved just to get access to the plane itself.

And Nick obviously doesn’t own a LearJet, otherwise he would have known the proper spelling. Perhaps all those child support payments means

Drove it for over 6 years (including a cross country move) and traded it in for a 2011 Pathfinder and got a decent trade in value for it as well. The special edition package was a quick upgrade of popular options with a decal on the trunk (even the carpet mats had the same badging)

As to your dealer in Ohio, more than

So true, I was car shopping in 2005 after hurricane season. A large dealership chain was advertising new, fully loaded, Nissan Altimas for almost dirt cheap (Under $10K cheap). I called my insurance company and asked if they could look into a deal with them (They had their own car buying service). The car buying

Considering it’s practically next door to Lake Oswego, also known as Lake No Negro, this doesn’t surprise me at all. The further away you get from the Albina Neighborhood, the more racist Oregon becomes.

Repeat after me: “Your Honor, I don’t know how this unmanned table with all these pennies appeared on that spot 5 feet in front of me, all I know is that I got this great deal on snacks and water bottles so I’m passing the savings onto these potential customers”


Look at Georgia, they made it so that voters had to wait in line for hours to vote, and people were there to support them with water and food.

I love how the GOP is screams voter fraud when they lose the majority vote by allowing people to actually vote without restrictions.

Yet Oregon (who pioneered statewide vote-by-mail) has been doing this for over 20 years and with only a handful of confirmed voter fraud cases. And no one says a word about it.

With nothing but thoughts and prayers when that finally happens

And while we are at it, stop fucking letting bad apples resign and immediately get hired somewhere else. It’s worse than the “Hide a Pedophile” scheme that the Catholic Church used for decades.

Because you also have the added assistance from the engine/transmission decelerating all four tires.

They can’t even spell Moderna correctly, but want to tell you all about the dangers/conspiracies of the vaccine, while faking their own vaccination cards so they can go where every they want.

It looks like it does based on the initial picture above and the pictures on the pre-order website.

Note: It does have it’s own display stand included

It looks like it does based on the initial picture above and the pictures on the pre-order website.

Note: It does

When you are the subject of a conservatorship, you lose ALL autonomy over any decision concerning you or your body.

In this case, she was: forced to take birth control and psychiatric medication, constantly living in fear of being sent to the psych ward, can’t legally drive, her dad approves her acquaintances and

Because he put it out there as a way of saying “Look at me! I’m important”

Also to remind Andrew Cuomo that he still has at least one Emmy

Because he used his position to unfairly give himself the best light possible to get a job that he shouldn’t have even been allowed to apply for to begin with.

Funny how no one knew their identities until AFTER they were dead/injured and then as soon as a criminal history is found, it becomes the reason for their deaths/injuries, instead of the fact that a person who should never had a weapon in the first place used that weapon without any legal justification to do so.


Honestly, Police Unions are the ones against cameras. They fight against having to carry them, having to turn them on, having others film them, and will fight tooth and nail against any public release of footage that could contribute to the officer being fired or charged with a crime.