
You have to give it to Arsenio, he wouldn’t book artists on his show if they wouldn’t perform live.

I think that was a RISCy proposition

Because they are probably made during a “dark shift”, where the factory reports that they aren’t running at full capacity/or at night to Corporate, but in reality they are manufacturing the exact same item, but without any of the actual tracked items (serial numbers, holographic stickers).

A majority of the really good

The NFL created one after Ray Rice’s little scuffle with his wife.

But since it’s the NFLPA, I’m sure it’s more along the lines of “you can’t suspend him without due process”

I think they were talking about initial Box Office receipts, which for the entire series equals about 30 Million. But part of that is because of the limited amount of theaters that were showing the film.

Overall, the entire series wasn’t considered a failure, since there was still a considerable amount of money to be

Honestly, in California, you’re probably more likely to get in trouble for lighting up anything indoors.

I wouldn’t put her English skills down, she does have a BA in English from Princeton and was enrolled in post graduate English courses at Oxford.

But yes, I would imagine she took some advice from a Social Media Team to ensure that the message was well received.

I live in Northern Cali, so it depends on the season.

Fire Season, fill up at half a tank

Non Fire season, around the time the idiot light comes on.

It may be a hard reach to get him on the trafficking without direct evidence, but if all of the funneled transactions to his friend adds up to more than the federal limits on gifts to individuals per year, that’s tax evasion and fraud as both Gaetz and his friend have to report the transactions.

Having some time to think it over, I would go for Carl Lumbly as he’s had some experience in MANTIS (think it could be a continuation of sorts).

Barring him, Gary Oldman would be another good fit without the craziness of Daniel Day Lewis. I could only imagine what DDL would be like on set when the cameras weren’t off.

You had my attention at “gritty Inspector Gadget”, but now I’m intrigued by “goofy cyborg

Who would you cast?

I took his comments as this:

Why the fuck are we getting reboots and remakes of movies that just we just saw 5 years ago?

You mean by the word, right?

Correct, but as a former juror in Minnesota, he’s not obligated to keep his opinion of the case private anymore. 

The t-shirt in question is a picture of MLK with the words “Get your knee off our necks” and “MLK” as the event was literally titled “Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks”.

He can’t be charge for murder within the federal court system (the crime didn’t occur on federal land, cross state lines, or involve a federal official).

However, if it did fit the level of federal jurisdiction, he could very well be charged in federal court with murder as the Supreme Court has ruled that separate

I agree that the picture is a bad look now, but the circumstances around the event speak for themselves. It’s not like he got his jury summons, found out he was assigned to the jury pool and then took the picture. 

Makes sense, especially if the roadway needs to be closed due to snow, you have a way to clear traffic.

Get one with a permanent filter, save a little more money and paper.

Not entirely accurate.

A small subset of people who join the military are very intelligent and don’t give in to drinking the Flavor-Aid from the firehose.

They are the ones that usually are quiet and keep their heads down when Fox News is blaring from the televisions throughout base

You mean the Mansfield Bar?

That’s why Mariska Hargitay has a scar on her forehead