
Part of me kinda wants Moffat to finish with Smith, he's had a good run (admittedly the latest season wasn't great) but if all the stories are being wrapped up why not start fresh with a new show runner and maybe let Moffat go back to single stories? Single stories where his strongest episodes back in the day.

Yes everyone, these are Hasstleback potatoes and have existed for some time. Instructables exists explain how to do something, not to claim the poster invented something.

They're called Hasselback potatoes, and "rocket" didn't discover anything.

Wow, SyFy really hates fans, don't they? That Warehouse 13 trailer was pretty much, "Wasn't this a great show? Aren't we complete dicks for cancelling it?"

Alright so we can still convert Detroit into a giant rally course/road course?

Well, I was watching a stand-up show the other night and in all the midshots the comedian's head was half cropped from about the eyes upwards.

.Least we forget Warehouse 13 Regent.

It's admittedly a poor casting job with the air pockets, which is probably intentional ala Diesel.

And coming soon from SyFy: "Squirrelicane."

There needs to be an animatronic version of this.

She'll need to figure out how to say "volt" before she's taken seriously.... But a cool project.

doncha just love how gizmodo got rid of the "expand picture" option (that opened a high res version) ?

I guess I'm failing at the internet here. I'm way too old to read the tiny fuzzy print on the picture you posted. I clicked the "Blip" link, and it went to a page about dads, but the picture you posted isn't there. I clicked the "Digg" link, and it just goes to

But would aliens hear it? Consider Randall Munroe's comments:

Alright, then No. 2 should be: If you use a frozen lake for absorbing energy, make sure that the ice is able to withstand it without melting/breaking, a.k.a use your slide rule, idiot