
almost certain that's gotta be Shades of Gray, the clip-show season finale that they cobbled together during the writer's strike. Yes, it's pretty bad.

Sorry, but I really don't understand the issue about buttons. The 5s is my first iPhone (in fact, my first smartphone), and I have never had problem distinguishing what's "tappable" and what isn't.

Please don't change his gender...Please don't change his gender...Please don't change his gender...

if the problem is safari related, doesn't that mean that using firefox or other browsers, is safe?

Would chrome users on iOS be affected?

Hey cool! If a commenter who isn't AgentRockstar can confirm this works, I'll add it to the post. (I don't have a QR-scanning thingamabob handy right now)

Colbert is going to be PISSED!

That is why testing is important kids.

Well... that was a nice internet we had.

But...what about the pics?! This is pointless!

What can someone do with your username and phone number? Maybe spam you at worst.

Now playing

Reminds me of the Axis Of Awesome. Well worth a watch if you haven't seen it.


Stop saying it's a spoiler, its a prequel to the 50th anniversary special so it doesn't reveal anything that happens in the actual televised show. Why are some people whining, this is awesome!

"Populations are being decimated up and down the west coast."

Moffat didn't make the Time War....

All I needed to see was Bill Nighy. He helped elevate Underworld and hopefully he'll do the same here.

It's been on for 30 years. It was cancelled for 20.

Having sex with pre-teens is pedophilia. Homophobia has nothing to do with it.