
can i become a blueberry?

apple often releases security upgrades for OSX, i have no idea what you are talking about.

like windows never has security issues that get patched too....

unless you go to 7.0.6 or 6.1.6 then yes

it works, it goes to

Vitamin D requires about 10-15 min of full sunlight on a shirtless body to make the daily amount. And if you wear sunscreen then your skin cant make it, because it needs UV

fish oil on it's own normally doesnt. Some brands add it, or Cod liver oil which has both. Most fish oil is purified to be just fish oil

no, it's an amorphous solid, meaning it's a solid but doesnt have a regular crystal structure (ie salt, metal)

use a microwave. break chocolate up into pieces (works well with chips too), stop and stir it often

there's also the Lodger episode when after he transfers memories to Craig, he points at his face and says eleven.

all the claras looked like clara.

freezer would be better and it works well (use in lab a lot). microwaves do not heat evenly. there are videos of ants walking around while a microwaves is on.

its the same way that the bacteria in fermented style pickles are anti-bacterial. They kill or keep other harmful bacteria from growing, which is the same thing antibiotics do. Not all antibiotics kill, some are bacteriostatic (slow/stop growth) where others are bactericides (kill)

Artie, Saul Rubinek was in TNG

its a mockup, but the bird icon could be the compose button. problem it is not obvious, so wont happen

well cities and states are separate entities, with their own debts. States are different when it comes to how they are allowed to have debt/run a deficit and how they can get out of it in comparison to the federal government.

its a wooden toy on the witch's desk. The theory's idea is that boo (monster inc girl)/witch is the one responsible for the easter eggs from other movies popping up

I think you have some biology wrong. Women have 2 X chromosomes, one always gets shut down (this happens in cats and other animals too) This inactivation of the second X doesnt make the being male, thats what the Y chromosome does.

leader of the Reagents