
partially true, what you described is peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) donation. there is the 'surgical' bone marrow donation where they knock you out and take a sample from the pelvis (pretty sure thats the site). More pain after of course compared to the PBSC, but in both cases the actual donation is painless

"crazy, evil, or dead" #corrections

im going to guess a certain shade of blue and yellow are special to you, and possibly six sided shapes?

hello Brother!

if youre going to use copper sulfate, make sure to wear gloves or be careful, copper sulfate can irritate skin. not corrosive like acids and bases, but can make skin itchy/red depending on person/exposure. (speaking from experience as a chemist)

the problem is that we got better at communicating globally. we no longer blast as much data/signal into space. And if ignore that, theres the problem that after a few light years the data becomes indistinguishable from background noise

And we get to meet Steve's ex in the next episode! I really like how they've treated Steve as a character, he's gay but thats not the defining trait for him.

When i was taught this, it was adding before subtraction, but adding and subtracting was one thing, same with multiplying and dividing, you did those at the same time, working left to right.

he chose the lake because the water would be able to absorb the energy from making the hole between universes. And that particular lake because it's where his alternate universe son was going to be (near by cabin)

my guess is something magnetic, in the extremeis comic/short movie he does the same thing, and it used magnets is what he says

You should shown the graph that show how much DST screws with sunset time, and to a lesser degree the sunrise. DST keeps the sunrise a closer to average value (smaller standard distribution), but increases the standard distribution for sunrise, thats why the sun sets so late in the summer...which is very annoying

The sun wouldnt be up at 4am..., DST shifts the sunrise to a later hour, so that would be saying the sun rises at 3am on standard time.

So jealous of you, i live in Indiana, and we were smart and like you until our stupid ex governor decided to change things.

expect when it's still light outside at 830 and youre trying to wind down for the evening and get ready for bed and it's still light, really throws you off. (especially here in indiana it's worse because of being on eastern time compared to geographical location)

expect a lot of people use this for netflix/hulu/etc

reduction in risk doesnt mean people wont get it. Just because you have a lower risk, the chance is still there. Think about a coin, the odds of getting heads is 50%, but that doesnt mean getting 3 or 4 or more in a row of tails means the odd's are wrong.

I wouldnt call it TOP SECRET, they have QR codes on the drink machines, on the glass displays, they're all over the place, and all have 'hidden menu' written on them

I thought maybe Fury was hiding him away, but after Hill pointed out the cards werent on him, knew that wasnt going to happen. Wished thats what they had done. Hopefully he'll be back