
Didn't Mini kick a bunch of Corvettes to the curb in a (supposed) SCCA sanctioned competition about 6 years ago?

@DrunkMike: Only if Stiggy is in the Porsche.

I was always partial to the 1997-2006 Jeep (TJ) Wrangler. It came with a hood prop, but I aways folded mine up and against the windshield frame when working on the gear around the motor.

@autob0n: That make me feel more confident.

I saw this over the weekend. I am excited with the 25GB of space but I am not excited of having SkyDrive attaced to the online version of office.

@Insecur1tyGuard: I really don't want to make video calls except to prove that I can use an iPhone to make a FaceTime call across the AT&T Wireless network leverging my Nexus One with FroYo 2.2 as a WAP to provide the connection.

I have used Blackberry, iPhone/iPod Touch, Palm, WinMo, and Android in the last 8 years.

@Ignignokt: iOS4 could be the foundation of Apple TV.

Is it worth the $500.00 premium to get an unlocked 32GB version to use as a really fancy iPod Touch???? With my Nexus One as a WAP on my grandfathered AT&T plan, I can use it to make WiFi video calls while out and about.

So where is the Acadia, Enclave, Outlook, and Traverse badge engineered crap listed. It has to be pretty close to the Envoy/9-7x/Bravada/Ranier/Trailblazer/H3.

@Vivat.Dan: We also cannot forget that Buick got a version of the Pontiac AssWreck called the Rendezvous. I guess it was a Rendevous with UGLY down at the GM lot.

Some of those are pretty bad, but I can top the Silhouette with the Buick Terraza. Platform prostitution at its worst.

Damn. If I had a place to garage this car, I would have it in my driveway.

@LastAndLeast: I would have to purchase a trommel of this size to use the drum concept on my property.

What a horrible little app. All it does is take your meticulously developed privacy settings and turn everything to the do not share setting.

At the house in KY, we have two huge piles of bio-mass that composts itself over the years. The issue with this project is that it would be tough to fit 1.5 acres of oak leaves, shredded twigs, and lawn clippings in two tiny barrels.

Such a sporty car with such a weak driveline. You would think automakers would have learned a lesson from this and the Buick Reatta, but oh no..... Ford blew their wad with an underpowered Thunderbird 15 years later.

I have used all of the above except for the Adobe product and I have to say that despite that WebEx is the defacto standard for everything that gets done in the corporate office, the GoToMeeting product is my favorite.