
@smcallah: Yes, I am that stupid and have been that stupid in the past. ; )

It looks a lot like a Ford Flex at first glance.

From the videos above, General Tactical is out. That thing looks like an unloaded SuperDuty bouncing over the rocks.

Don't forget that the 4 Speed could be attached to a nice little factory equipped 289 under the hood. I think Dad's 63 Falcon convertible had been swapped out with the "K Code" 289 model with solid lifters coupled through the four speed to a positraction rear to get that power to the ground.

Good Riddance.

I have a pouch filled with thumb drives for different purposes. Some break into machines with ease. Others are for storing files. Yet others serve as transportation (sneaker net) for computers that are locked down to keep from using outside services like dropbox.

Last time I looked, my Craftsman scroll saw was much cheaper than my mother's Singer sowing machine. (Yep, less than $120.00 during the Father's Day sale.) Mom's Singer was over $300.00 and it would be a waste to clog up the works of that sewing machine with sawdust. Yuck. What a mess to clean.

Hmmm..... I have to agree that stripping the cooling fins from the inverter was a bit reckless, but if he is not going to be sucking down a bunch of watts on the system, then this should be safe. Also, the wiring headed out to the plugs looked a little on the light side. I would have opted for something a bit more

@John Steele: Having learned that bikes have model years like cars, dealers also have end of the season clearance sales as well.


@natanku: We must take you to the temple of Patrick Norton for some fellowship.

The perfect combination for this is the iGo USB Charging Cable.

Mmmmm...... How much will this cost an iPhone 4G user. (giggle) Loving my Android more and more.

Mercury Cop Cars!!!!!

So if I want a pair of hybrid/comfort bicycles, would June be a good time to buy or should I wait until July/August???

@Androfroyo: I got my best laptop deals in the last two weeks of July and the Sunday before Black Friday. I also bought a netbook in October for a really good price, but that was an extreme closeout deal offered by Amazon.

@DrinkCoffee: I need a bottle of that for my kitchen. It is the offset to this which I use for wings and an interesting twist on General Tso's.

Philadelphia Int'l Airport has the PITA equivalent to super inflamed hemorrhoid. Even the gate workers for Southwest are mean by compared to the workers at other airports. That being said, you can always sigh and enjoy some great Philly style finger foods (like crab fries) at a Chickies' and Pete's kiosk which is in

@MooCow: Correct. That is why the $8.00 Wok from Ikea has been a staple in my kitchen for the last 3 years.

I you think that iTunes is piggy, then you DoubleTwist is a resource hog.