
If you are going off road, CB radios are very important for communication with other people on the trail. Have to remember their are no cell phone towers out in the place where you take jeeps so those are nothing more than music players/paper weights. Ten Four Good Buddy!

This whole article seems like a bunch of whooey. It says Philly will be like the gulf coast of Texas now, but that really cannot be true because Philly is too far inland to have the weather patterns experienced around Corpus Christi and the like in TX. And people wonder why some of us think climate change stuff is

This will not replace HootSuite, but it is a nice streaming tool on the side of my screen to see tweets.

I have used OneNote on and off for the last 10 years and have only recently (within the last 3 years) found success in using it as a tool that does more than clip articles from the web and organize them into a logical order to compose a document based upon them. Many of the new integration features that came along in

I agree that iTunes has to be the worst program ever developed by Apple. But the iTunes store has revolutionized the way we purchase music and wiped out an entire segment of retail in less than 5 years. When was the last time you walked into a record store? For me, it was when FYE sold iPods and I was looking to

My Nexus One. It was the best Android Phone late 2009/early 2010, but it was by far being the quality of the phones that were produced by the summer of 2010 like the Samsung Galaxy. It never had enough RAM on board to handle email, gmail, plus a handful of applications. But, It is still in front of me as a tool to

The ePub format that is used by the Amazon Kindle is a little lack luster as far as being technologically advanced, but the Apple iBook format is much more robust with multimedia features. I personally don't like producing publications in the iBook format because it is so difficult to get things right in the

At least this would be one way to get an orange iPhone.

I am checking my checkbook to see if I can swing one of these. I have terrain very similar to what this is cutting of to the back side of my compound in eastern KY and this would be the perfect tool to attack the steep grades. Even my mother could operate this without fear of her falling.

If this device was less than $1500, I would consider taking my DSLRs over to the video side of the equation.

Where are my TRS-80s that I cut my programming teeth back in the early 80s? I do have love for the C64 because that is what I had in my computer classes in school, but I would really like to see some love for the Model 1-4 and the CoCo's that I used for over 10 years (1980-1991).

The facebook experience is so crappy as it stands on my CyanogenMod powered Epic 4G Touch that there is no way that I would destroy a phone to have the full Facebook experience on any device. The messaging is annoying, the alerts drive me nuts and the whole thing does not work the same way everytime I launch the app.

I had two XJs and they were great for their time and they were both extremely capable, but they were far from perfect. In the stock form, they set as low to the ground as the average passenger car made in the mid-1990s. They were easy to modify and parts were cheap, but the average XJ was not very capable off road

Timid drivers are always worse because they are not paying as much attention to the road as aggressive drivers. Even without factoring in the "aggressive" part, but the drive on the highway going 10 m.p.h. faster than the rest of the crowd has to process information much more quickly than the slower driver so they

Poor thing looks like a cross between a Toyota Venza and the unibody Dodge Durango. Sad part is this baby did not get any of the Durango's power or handsome looks. And it even lacks the "edgyness" of latest variant of the Venza.

Amazing! I have wondered what I am going to purchase next and have assumed it had to be a truck based vehicle like the Suburban to get that classy upscale look in a modest package. But, this is really classy, rear drive, and does not have that blingy look of Cadillacs in the last 10 years.

I love my GrandMa, but being that it is 4 years old and I am only 39, I have to find another model for my twilight years. On the GM side, the current Impala is the best replacement for the LeSabre so perhaps the new Impala would be the car of choice for Gen X when they are ready to make that final car purchase.

WiFi Tether for Root Users is the most important app on my Epic 4GT. Even though I pay for tethering on Sprint, this app allows me to tether without Sprint tracking the destination of my packets. I plan on keeping the phone for at least another 2 years as the WiMax network is very strong at work and I use this

It was that price in PA until the last three months. I guess it is worth the drive to Delaware and bootleg some liquor back into the Commonwealth until the Gov gets the state out of theliquor and wine business. You would think I was living in late 70's West Virginia with all state stores in PA. But, it sure as hell