I did not want to go crack pipe on this truck, but 3000 copies is not that rare for vehicle of this condition to be priced that high.
I did not want to go crack pipe on this truck, but 3000 copies is not that rare for vehicle of this condition to be priced that high.
I really hope this makes the full size Mercury popular again. I really, really hope so.
@reuthermonkey: The last two times I have shopped for a car my list was for a premium full size rear dive sedan. Not many options on that list.
Huh???? A spreadsheet for this.
@xlastshotx: I have no clue why they discontinued the 1920 X 1200 resolution. The 1080p resolution means I am going to purchase a pair of TVs for my next monitors.
@mynamesafad: I have 2 24" Gateway monitors that I have owned for 40 months and I expect to get another 60 out of them prior to considering to replace them. Monitors to not go obsolete like MoBos, Memory, CPUs, and Video Cards. I still have my NEC 4FGe from the early 1994 and it works great. I also have a 17"…
Old.... Want to talk old? For the majority of high school, I used a 512KB Tandy CoCo 3 with a Mac clone word processor and a 9 pin dot matrix printer.
@f3rg: I can't purchase a decent case with exceptional ventilation with out them so I have embraced the LED fan.
@KayDat: This is one of those thing that entirely depends upon the MoBo. Ex: The Asus P5K grounds itself through standoffs for the case. OTOH, I have an DFI board from many moons ago that if the board touched the brass standoffs it caused a short that would not allow the computer to boot.
1.) I did not realize that the Javelin had the heater controls for lefties like the full size Jeeps back in the day.
Vacation Days??? What are Vacation Days??? I took a vacation day 3 weeks ago and by 11:30 a.m. I was on the phone dealing with multiple issues at the office and then had 2 conference calls scheduled in the afternoon. Vacation? Yea. One of these days.
Major corporations are not going to be using Google Docs for information creation or document sharing so this is pointless for the most part to me. The exception is the desktop app that synchronized outlook to Google Calender which lets me see all of my schedules on my Android phone. That is brilliant.
I just picked up Office 2010 through MAPS. As someone who has developed on VBA for 12 years, I look forward to seeing Office 2010 take its spot on the throne last occupied by Office 97 and Office 2003.
I hate to say it, but that is a really high brow fire pit. The ones I have built are not that fancy. Just some piled around a circle about two to three high and some pavers on the bottom.
James Franklin "Jamie" Hyneman
I think it would be much easier to just setup a square space site.
Buy more RAM. That is the solution to all of your computing issues. Lots of speed tests done in the pass shows that caching to a hard drive is not nearly as effective as increasing the amount of RAM on the MB.
Well this tool is not going to help me open and ODF format document in any version of office which is an extreme bummer.
Hold on.....
@TheFu: Purchase a pressure cooker and then you do not need to worry if you forget to soak overnight.