
Is this a repeat of a recent LifeHacker article????

I think the picture on the left was taken with the built in flash and the one on the right with the ring flash. There is no way that a ring flash can produce a shadow like the one on the picture on the left.

My only issue with keys is the key to my significant other's Toyota is too damn big. My Mercury key is large, but manageable which was a big reason for purchasing the car as it was the only premium car on the market without an obnoxious key that would not fit in my pocket.

@GTRbrian: Or quit making the payments and let the repoman worry about shift the car out of neutral to get the thing out from in front of the house.

FWIW, using bowls to organize screws and parts to build a piece of furniture is a better choice because screws can scratch and ruin expensive muffin pan.

@Kraken: I have generated several 1 GB and larger datasets in Access/Excel in the last two weeks in an analysis of data that had been collected in the last 6 years. Sharing the data was a total be-otch with my collaborators on the other coast because we had no common network between us.

@v4nt0m: I saw both views on Google yesterday and thought the text version was a bit easier to navigate although in the world of Web 2.0, the eye candy wins the users.

Cute Picture.

@kevin005: How do you deal with the heat from the inverters that power the lights? I have waged a constant battle with heat and my PCs since the late 80's so the addition of any type of decorative light (other than the LEDs that are attached to most case hardware) is just not in my scope of office decorating efforts.

If those old, fat Vette drivers would quit using the steering wheel as a prop to get out of the car, then GM probably would not need to replace the steering columns.

Cool workspace. I will use it as inspiration for my current office area which is a work in process.

@Kevster: The one time I ziptied all of my network cables going into the server was 2 weeks prior to the router for the 20 PCs in the office failed.

Really clean. Other than that, total crack.

@el_basto: (Thinking) What keeps olives, peanuts and sunflower seeds from destroying the environment and polluting everything in nature????

@MeOhMy: Not the most environmental way to dispose of it, but I keep my old oil bottles and then pour it back into the bottle after it has been used up. Then I put the closed up bottles of oil out in the trash on trash day so they do not leak in the garage.

I have to say that this is really cute, but the last time I looked, I could pick up push pins for about a half cent to two pennies a piece. Not worth a trip to the emergency room to save a buck.

@Joseph Keen: That depends upon what part of the country you are from. ;-)

I am confused because I have a few techniques that I use to produce this kind of bokeh while shooting in a macro style.

Nothing beats the rabbit eared Linksys WRT-54G. I have a pair (one with Tomato, the other stock) along with the base wireless router from Verizon. Plus I have a Linksys Wireless B as well.