
Not because of the spacetime ripples themselves. They are extremely small, with a length change in the size of an atomic nucleus relative to a ruler of Earth’s radius. Still, due to the expansion of the Universe, light and gravitational waves are stretched along their long way to us, which is a stronger effect.

No. If it was a LIGO detection, then they detected gravitational waves, which propagate at the speed of light, so the distance is pretty well certain. 

“With your donation, I hopefully will be able to stay out of prison!

That’s what THEY want you to believe!

Nice to see Optimus Prime was in the area.

on a galactic scale one could argue a planet is all but a creek in the big picture. probably some water on there.

If you’re not buying your kids the battlepass do you even really love them?

You’re correct! To update: I’m not sure if it’s the Worst Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR, but it certainly is A Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR.

Madame Web is a Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR.

I’m not sure if it’s the best Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR, but it certainly is A Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR

I didn’t know you guys hated Mr. Beast so much.  The logical loops that you’re jumping through to hate a guy is very impressive.

Put down the pitchfork, this is a story with fuck all for substance.

I see we’ve made the mistake of allowing the AI to train on one of the worst cinematography techniques we ever invented: Shaky Cam.

Geez, you mention forming a start-up to build the Rods from God project, and suddenly all of Congress is in a huff. We haven’t even discussed primary target locations yet. We’re still just discussing whether it’ll be a local, orbital AI control system, or a ground based system. 

Alright, what the FUCK

Still unsure why everyone is lamenting the lack of a Netflix app. Would much rather have a “Golden Girls” app called VRthur.

While ultimately any high tech goggles will succeed, this latest $4,000 toy from Apple is at this point going to go the way of the 3D TVs. It is not going to help many people that their friends can’t play along because at $4K it is very expensive. If three friends want to play, they will need $16,000 between them.

Calling it now: this will constitute a few hundred drivers, surge pricing will pull a bunch more drivers out.

Sarah Palin...

To be clear, the swan song achievement here is the highest energy output ever for a 5 sec fusion pulse. The power for this pulse, measured in J/s or Watt, was 11 MW. In 1997, JET established a record of 16MW using shorter pulses.