
Hopefully at least 12 pieces

Let’s boost NASA’s budget to 3x what it is now.

Maybe that’s the reason why he burned through 5k profiles? She was the only one to be okay with this. 🤔


I get an average of 6-12 spam calls a week and .gov can’t seem to do anything about it but when this happens they get found and shut down in a couple of weeks?

Evidently somebody(ies) didn’t get their 10%.

None of us has any idea what her contract said, and you don’t need to be a protected class to sue for discrimination.

Expecting Taylor swift to fly commercial is a bit dramatic.


A bit of an over reaction but he does deserve many, many hours of community service for confirming every worst stereotype of an Apple early-adopter.

All this time I never realized great white sharks are “ovoviviparous”, getting pregnant and birthing live young. They hatch eggs inside their bodies and nourish the newborns with a sort of shark milk.

Sphinctah here! Get your buttery popcorn knife sphincter here!”

I’m on my way to blow up the plane (with farts)" would have landed better.

Gasoline powered cars are essential to society, plastic bags are certainly not. Not to mention that the whole “you can’t be against something bad if you participate in something else that is bad” is a logical fallacy.

I see that Gawker is now doing its part for the environment by not wasting the energy required to store or display my profile image (or allowing me to re-add it).

Ahhhh The Oatmeal mantis shrimp thing is my personal pet peeve - he misinterpreted the research on mantis shrimp vision, then chucked out his misunderstanding on a massive platform that my little self can never hope to combat.

This was a great retrospective. Also great that it wasn’t shoehorned into a slideshow for no reason!

FYI since you couldn’t do a couple Google searches. Smackdown is moving to USA and NXT to the CW.

Skinny Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo

Yes. Even worse, they could not allow any microscopic bits of metal to come off either the tools themselves or the screws.

This is my favorite mission of the past decade, no question. Fascinating stuff.