
It’s their platform so it won’t matter, but you are on to something important. We need far more stringent rules on how companies are allowed to use their user analytics.

Suck my balls....

There’s definitely shenanigans going on.

I used to watch him when COD and PUBG battle royals were taking off. He’s a good watch. I looked into this a bit as anyone who is a fan of someone would. From what I can tell, the messages were not sexual in nature. So much in that it was clear Doc was not attempting to make any advances towards the person. These are

I remember that happening. It wasn’t malicious and really shouldn’t be connected. That was more “Hey stupid, you shouldn’t have walked into that arena bathroom with a camera.”

Buddy, you won’t regret doing that EVER. Healthiest thing you can do. Now, don’t get so down on everything. Life is just about angles of perception. Adjust the angle a bit.

I’m not saying he’s “Driving” the economy. At best, you hope his policies accidently end up working. That 10% tariff for instance, it’s way to high and drastic to just initiate immediately. Zero chance we initiate a 10% tariff overnight. Inflation and prices are different issues.

They going to have an article covering the Debate?  Seems strange they haven’t posted anything.  must be bad.

Nice lol.

Idk if I’m being bitter, but yes I want some hard RTS action. Mechcommander is the most underrated RTS of all time.  But I had to look up “SSI” games.  No, those things intimidate me.  Only real men from my childhood were capable of playing those.

What are you doing over here too lol? no they are good games, but I steam deck now. BG3 is actually quite nice on controller. I mean they aren’t getting the corporate backing like the other genre’s so they aren’t going mainstream to the young people. Command and Conquer was AAA back in the day. I’m saying there are

This appears to be a post debate response right? So it might have went great. The left seems to be finally rumbling about replacing him. If they do that with anyone besides the cast of The View, I think they probably get my vote. Lol the nameless new candidate of my dreams.

You were a little loose with the numbers and stats here.

Oh damn... thats got layers.  It should be the official nickname.

It’s because they don’t make any damn good strategy games anymore. It’s basically total war and nothing else. These kids dont even know.

I don’t want it to suck.

Very  helpful.  Let’s just hope they serve a story purpose.  I’m pretty jacked for some Bombadil tho. Love that guy.

You hate it cuz it’s woke.... or that’s what people tell me lol. I think my opinion mirrors yours. I think this story could have been awesome, but the writing is empty sometimes and too forced the others. You can reright all kinds of lore if I adore the show. I’m dying for a new Vader level threat that is actually a

I keep thinkin this is a Blake Bortles thing but that can’t possibly be true.  Whose bortles?

I bet I rerun Elden ring once a year for the next decade. It’s the best there ever was. I gotta do a bow build now. Some of these new ones have the juice. Find you the new upgraded Carian Grandeur (forget the name) or the damn Int spell that does 3 thorns as well. I think that Carian sword one poise breaks 90 percent