
I might just wait until the season is over to dive in.  The constant fighting if this show sucks or not is just a blast to watch without context.

Racist, Xenophobic, Misogynist.... all words that have pretty much lost meaning thanks to people like you.

I mean.... that’s funny shit.

but I perceive this universe through my own brain so I’d prefer it if the outcome’s are always as I prefer them.

How do you know they are Nazi’s? I lived in rural Indiana and I can honestly say I’ve never met a Nazi.

You’re correct.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  It could be better... it could be worse.  Might as well find out.

I’m down to do an Internet social security number or whatever at this point.  Anonymity has been fun enough, but I think I’m over it.

Ewww... now I’m on his side.

thats a great way to put it.  Good choice of first comment as well.  Irresistible.

I hate to say it, but this comment reeked of desperation.

I am intrigued how this will affect X. I think there’s a clear benefit in that people will be more honest about their “likes”. but then you don’t get fun of seeing who is liking things.

First Caitlin Clark not being in the Olympics and now this? What’s the point of even having this summer?

Ehh... I liked him in American Horror story, but Idk if he gives me my preferred superman vibes.  But not having Cavill for Superman or the Witcher is tough.

Wouldn’t want to be one of the victims, but I think this can be simplified into your classic case of an Oversell. I’ve been keeping my eyes out for an anti-AI or AI detection company to invest in. That’s going to be insane business moving forward. Problem is, they don’t have that figured out at all yet. Not to mention

No offense taken.

Go a little deeper. Essentially, Gamestop was 5 bucks or whatever, the big boys create options contracts for more shares than even exist of GME. Trader sees this and makes tons of money. In the process, hedge funds crumble.

Wait what?  that’s literally the number #1 question I had when OG Destiny came out.  

His options do not expire until June 21.  So unless he’s sold, I don’t think the gamestop stuff is over.  Now whether he loses all his money is yet to be seen.  As far as I can tell, the guy is really easy to root for.

Will watch the show, but boy is this show getting the political treatment from every which way.

All their political points have been done extremely well.  They’ll get amazing ratings per usual.