
Yep.  This is clear as day to the fans.

One of the coolest things I’ve seen with these eyeballs.

I second this. I want Time displayed so bad. Tho, that probably won’t do my imagination too many favors on scales like this.

Now I gotta rewatch Parks and Rec DAMN YOU!

You live in the Midwest?  I’m in Indiana and immediately went “WTF”.  I’ll admit that $35 dollars isn’t going nearly as far where those interns are located.

Sometimes, I think you pick words because you think they sound cool and not because of what they mean.

the Markets are just far too short term at this point. I enjoyed getting into Crypto and robinhood and becoming a little more savvy. The only problem is... I believe now more than ever, we need to get rid of some of these options. Shorting in general... I can understand the benefits of having it, but there is just too

Yes and no... Execs are definitely overpaid for their value as far as I’m concerned. I mean some of them I could hire multiple hundreds of people with the same resources. So it’s often very logically silly to me.

Cheap...? I was debating applying.  Tho I do live in Indiana and we are about as low cost as it gets.

I’m starting to think you might have a picture of Elon on your nightstand at this point.  Maybe one of those dart boards with his picture. 

I’m swiping left.

I would prefer all of my vaccines come in steak form.

I think we can probly put this problem on the back burner till we deal with some other stuff.

This is good for no one... I mean now the man can just stop doing movies forever if he wants.  But America (ughhh and Canada) need him.

This is fun.

I’m 35 and there is some nostalgia for the AM broadcasts. Now... they are almost entirely unnecessary anymore. Yes, even for us country people. It’s more of a convenience or you have a show you like still on there. I am partial to sports on there, but that is if I’m at peak quality. AM quality is just too irregular.

Can we stop doing the James Cameron summoning ritual?


Someone tell me why Biden hasn’t pulled the trigger on legalizing it federally? Just from a politics perspective. If he’d get rejected or something, I am unaware.

And I think you can go PG-13 even, but adult themes should absolutely be included.