
We can’t be making a real life Jurassic park if they are actually as smart as monkeys.  that explains why they always get out in the movies.

Also... us who were young when this started still desire these movies, but I’ll take them more mature and with less hand holding. Cannot confirm, but I feel like the rated R ones have been the most successful since Endgame. Albeit, Deadpool and The Wolverine are a small selection.

It’s not super hero fatigue... The Boys and Invincible are great examples of just “good stories” and their writing are just far superior. I suppose they are novel in that they are rated R.

They probably could have handled the Brazil Olympics better than... Brazil.

I’m intrigued.

if the credit card company could guarantee that all of my recurring charges would pass to my new card, then I’d find it very convenient. But I’m guessing its a mixed bag.

We should absolutely double NASA’s budget, yesterday.

Agreed. Though, we do know about this one so it probably won’t be the one to get us. If it was, we’d have 5 years to move it.

Oh I agree, but luckilly the nerds actually care about that one. The science of redirecting an asteroid goes in tandem with our space innovations. Rocket tech to get out of earth can be used etc, etc. We just did the DART mission where we rammed a non explosive satellite into an asteroid to even test if that would

Is the algorithm that good tho? It feels like the advantage is the userbase and their content. They had to become the big dog somehow, but Tiktok, or it’s algorith, was farrrr better a couple of years ago.

lol so you’d rather just not get all the information.

Stop being so rational... 

Dolphins are notoriously horny for humans... how do we know this wasn’t a revenge killing?

couldn’t agree with you more. This show made me feel like a kid again.

It makes me a little sad.  The Halo show is an OK watch, but man.... I wish it was as good as fallout.  Master Chief is basically my childhood hero.

Purnell continued. “I think there is a part of her that is like, ‘I just don’t know where to dig from.’ The center of her is dropping out of her body. That light that exists in her solar plexus, that truly believes in the Golden Rule, her cold fusion, is just gone. It’s just dissipating ...

plus you’re assuming that description means it’s an asteroid.  an ICBM (nuclear missile) fits under the bible’s description as well.

Well you’re adding God in here. “Stop” isn’t the right word, but yes, human technology will 100% be able to redirect an asteroid. We have workable strategies right now (though our detection isn’t great yet). It’s not an “If” its a “when”.

Look. I know they have my info... I assumed they might even be stealing my credit card info. I still used the app because it is a lot of fun.

Yep. figured it had to be something like that.  Good post.