
heh? It’s for sure a fun premise. We made an entire series based off of us having a Purge night.

That was my thought as well.

This is going to enrage the left or the right I assume, which is fun. I’ll for sure watch it, but it’s right in my wheelhouse.

I am those sour comments, sometimes, so I have to make sure I also dish out the praise when it’s earned.

I read it all. This is healthy internet. I agree with your sentiment in my experience. I actually ended up a finance guy unfortunately (I’m in the nonprofit world). That decision was made somewhat based on peer pressure. Though, I didn’t have parents that understood the importance of looking into my true interests

Played all weekend with the boys only to realize the chargers legs are their actual weakness. Unbelievable. Been shoving Recoiless up their butts this whole time.

Well I want to get Recoilless rifle before my buddy. Article is right though. Play however you want, but the last 10 years of games has kind of trained us to min/max or be efficient as possible. But this game is absolutely at it’s best when you’re facing a difficulty appropriate to your skills/equipment.

This was a good read.

Yep... that is the appropriate response when dealing with someone much smarter than you.

If you’re getting hate from the right in here, it’s probably because if this was posted on X, you’d be enjoying the low hanging fruit as well.

No, this is indeed hilarious. Though, most white people definitely also think this is hilarious. Even my dad’s side (Conservatives) mentioned this as more of a “Huh thats interesting” then thought nothing of it.

Well I’m jelly of your skills. I think it’s probably more along the lines of you have to be interested to understand the topic. Then you need to have some base understanding of the topic to know how cool the thing is.

At least you said it was one twitter user that gave you permission to use that clickbait title.

It’s stark how good your science content is on this site to some of the others. great stuff.

Is it trolling if the userbase of a company gets mad at the company because of their product and then invests against it?

Ahh I completely ignored the IPO info, but my statement applies to all the companies.  It is a bit different if a Exec takes a company public.  Not $190M different, but you get it.

I get that people are going to accept money thrown at them, but working in corporate america, I cannot understand the logic of a board that approves this stuff. I also don’t really understand a CEO accepting it. Maybe it’s because most normal people dont care if they own $50 million vs $150 million. A lot is dictated

I mean, I’ll probably be staring at him a bit different seeing as you’re so convinced, but I would need some solid evidence to go there. I just don’t get that read. Now, do I think he does want to be wealthy more than he puts off? Yes I do.

I think you’re taking my comment for being passionate. It’s not.

Yep. That’s my bad.  Still suspicious tho.