
wait... which people?

I assume this is interesting to those of you who are into AI. Why is it doing that?

It’s suspicious because sites like this get paid by the people who make movies like that. The writer could be truthful here, but my brain doesn’t want to believe it based on the internet’s reaction. Plus this site has a dubious history.

Lightbulb... it is the bending over backwords that is what makes me hate these things.

Yea, but then don’t you just say this movie is the ultimate campy movie. You won’t enjoy it for the writing or the story, but the absurd level of campiness makes it fun.

You got a laugh out of me.

I restarted it this past year after going through the rest of the Fromsoft collection.  I’m definitely far better now, but its still imposing.  I got to the one lady who spins around a bunch and gave up again.  I think it’s probably that I just need to master how much block I can actually take.  I tend to feel like

This is called “Red Herring”. A tried and true tactic of someone desperate to win a conversation.

Yea, but those were the “popular” things because we were being bombarded by commercials in between Power Rangers and Dragon Ball Z. Literal entire cartoons were crafted around toy lines.

still haven’t beat Sekiro. I know I CAN do it, but the difficulty of getting back to a boss after death finally made me get too tired of rerunning areas. Not a good excuse, but I find that once it gets to be too much of that, I eventually give up.

240M followers. and I asked some of them and they said yes. You’re just being delusional.

nope. You’re reaching soooo far on this. I also manage this “labor” you refer to. I wish you could ask my staff if they’d like a celebrity to come in today.

Isn’t that specifically why we hate corporations?

It’s a random day at work... would you prefer to have or not have a celebrity show up for the day?  This is too much thinking.

you keep going.  That’s also what Conservatives say about illegal immigrants.

True, but I don’t know what the difference is. Also one at least builds wells and cures blindness (the ones I heard of).

Holy hell you do not understand marketing at all.

lol you just wait around hoping people you dislike get cancelled?

You ever read between the lines so much you create new lines?

I didn’t know you guys hated Mr. Beast so much.  The logical loops that you’re jumping through to hate a guy is very impressive.